koobismo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/koobismo/art/Marauder-Shields-6-The-True-Catalyst-ME3-291069441koobismo

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Marauder Shields 6: The True Catalyst (ME3)



The 6th episode of the "Marauder Shields: Shepard's Last Foe" Mass Effect comic. In this one... We learn the story behind the True Catalyst and get a glimpse of the past.

This episode is the first official episode of the alternative MScanon, created for those Mass Effect fans that didn't enjoy ME3's endings to the fullest - it was crafted out of my love for the series, and if anyone doubts that... Well, tough luck.

For an epic feel, play this in the background: [link]

If you would like drive yourself into the ground while reading this, play this in the background: [link]

[The Mass Effect universe, its design and characters are owned by BioWare/EA Productions. This is a work of parody and fan-fiction, created under the terms of fair use. Special thanks to BioWare for creating the world we all love and care for!]
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658x2659px 781.72 KB
© 2012 - 2024 koobismo
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Wait, so Marauder Shields is actually Nihlus? That actually makes perfect sense! Screw BioWare, this is my favourite ending now, and I haven't even seen it all :D
(I absolutely adore Nihlus, he's the second best Turian in the whole Trilogy, right after Garrus Heart )