konishkichen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/konishkichen/art/Circo-de-la-Luna-168843826konishkichen

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Daily Deviation

July 7, 2010
"As soon as I saw this manipulation, I fell in love with it. The concept is pretty cool and the execution is quite well-done. Everything blends nicely and the soft colours really complement the 'night' feeling of the piece." Circo de la Luna by =konishkichen
Featured by NeoStockz
Suggested by zungzwang
konishkichen's avatar

Circo de la Luna



OMFG (sorry, for the F ;)), my first DD! Thank you so much *xpedr0 and `conzpiracy! This is so unbelievable!

And a big thank you to all the people who fav this. I'd love to thank you all individually but I can't find the time.... so sorry and thank you again!

Moon texture: [link]
Acrobat: [link]
Mask: [link]
Clouds: [link] and [link] and [link]
Monkey: [link]
Tin: [link]
Image size
1960x3598px 1.75 MB
© 2010 - 2024 konishkichen
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JakeJonouchi's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

The drawing that is displayed here actually shows the irony of the very title itself for although some relics are from a circus the name is mistranslated; better yet, the more accurate title would have be "Círc(ul)o de la luna." The setting has the macabre feeling of a Halloween being drenched by the golden color yellow and wrapped in red. The mystical notes of the Circus in the sky represents how the popularity of the Circus is accelerated when executed at nighttime. If there were another form of irony being shown then it would be the word 'Earthbound' for even though that the Circus originated from the very Earth it now takes place on the moon.