Batel Mare [Download]koni126 on DeviantArt

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koni126's avatar

Batel Mare [Download]



Warhammer 40K pony armor model. Made for mare body type so it can be bone-merge with mare models and use animation based on it's skeleton (Warning chest 2 bone is unused in model, this is no a bug, also for some legs positions there can be some clipping because armor pieces are stiff, it was intended, for full plated power armor there have to be some move restrictions).
Model can be used as stand alone or be combined with pony model, with pony disable head armor adjust tail position or use no tail version of plot armor and disable scale down tail, for pegasi also scale down wings. 

Stallion version: For the EMPRESS [Warpony 1K download]
© 2016 - 2025 koni126
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LightReading2's avatar
apple bloom remind me of a star wars storm trooper