
Border Skin - Skin File

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komalo's avatar

Literature Text

Some Notes:
- In General : All Border Skin images (without reflection) consists of an image that contains two sections equal in size, so that the height is devisable by two, the first section of the image define the active image, and the second section define the inactive image
- In Buttons, it gets more complicated, because each section (active and inactive) consists of four sections also equal in size, the first section define the normal state, second section define hover button state, third section define pressed button state, fourth section define disabled state

Author=Text ;Define the author(s) spereated by ","
Website=Text ;Define the author(s) website(s) spereated by ","
ExplorerSkin=True Or False ;Define the skin as an explorer skin

Sizing=Left,Top,Right ;Define the corner and top edges that allow the user to resize the window
ReflectionInActive=Number ;Define the opacity of the reflection image when the window is inactive


[Border Name] ;Top Or MaximizedTop Or Left Or Right Or Bottom
ImageFile=FileName ;Define the image file of the image
FramesNumber=2 ;Define the frames number of the image, Constant and unchangeable
Sizing=Left,Top,Right,Bottom ;Define the values for the left and right stretch of Top border
Content=Left,Top,Right,Bottom ;Define the margins for the reflection and blur

[Button Name] ;MinButton Or MaxButton Or ResButton Or CloseButton Or Close2Button Or HelpButton
ImageFile=FileName ;Define the image file of the button
FramesNumber=6 Or 8 ;Define the frames number of the button
Content=Left,Top,Right,Bottom ;Define the real button position
Edges=Left, Top ;Define the X and Y coordinates of the icon when the window is normal
MaxEdges=Left, Top ;Define the X and Y coordinates of the icon when window is maximized
VerticalAlignment=Left Or Center Or Right ;Define the vertical alignment of the icon on the top border

Notes: ResButton uses "MaxEdges" only, HelpButton uses "Edges" only

Edges=Left, Top ;Define the X and Y coordinates of the icon, relative to the top border
MaxEdges=Left, Top ;Define the X and Y coordinates of the icon when window is maximized
VerticalAlignment=Left Or Center Or Right ;Define the vertical alignment of the icon on the top border, can be

Edges=Left, Top ;Define the X and Y coordinates of the icon, relative to the top border
MaxEdges=Left, Top ;Define the X and Y coordinates of the icon when window is maximized
VerticalAlignment=Left Or Center Or Right ;Define the vertical alignment of the icon on the top
Font=Name, Size, IsBold, IsItalic, IsUnderLine ;Define the font used in this element
TextColor=Alpha,Red,Green,Blue ;Define the text color of this element
MaxTextColor=Alpha,Red,Green,Blue ;Define the text color of this element when window is maximized

ImageFile=FileName ;Define the image file of the button
FramesNumber=2 ;Define the frames number of the button,  Constant and unchangeable
Edges=Left, Top ;Define the X and Y coordinates of the icon when the window is normal
MaxEdges=Left, Top ;Define the X and Y coordinates of the icon when window is maximized
VerticalAlignment=Left Or Center Or Right ;Define the vertical alignment of the icon on the top border

ImageFile=FileName ;Define the image file of the button
FramesNumber=1 ;Define the frames number of the image,  Constant and unchangeable
This a sample of the skin file of Border Skin, it contains how the sections and the keys are added with some notes about the border and button images, i couldn't make another one about explorer skin because it have more complicated features, but i will try to make one soon, of course i will try to make a full image tutorial, but i am just waiting to see if i will change the skin structure again or not, but i feel it just needs a tweaks, and will be finished, no need for big changes one more time

can u post the things that you don't understand about the skin, please ?, it will help me so much in the tutrial

Sorry to bother you with these changes, Thanks All :)
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zinkpro's avatar
Hey guy! Is there any true Explorer Skin and Normal Windows Skin Windows 7 for XP? I can't find any thing what's look like windows 7 best!