Current Residence: Nuuk
deviantWEAR sizing preference: I suppose whatever fits.
Print preference: "Sold"
Favourite genre of music: Indie, trip hop, the French Baroque ....
Favourite photographer: J4n3T, David Hamilton
Favourite style of art: The kind that ruins your clothes and shoes.
Operating System: XP
MP3 player of choice: The one that doesn't crash
Shell of choice: People always put a silly answer here.
Wallpaper of choice: Any who have put up wallpaper know that after having done so they hate all wallpaper.
Skin of choice: People always put a silly answer here.
Favourite cartoon character: Klondike Kat
Personal Quote: "No". That pretty much covers everything.
Wake, or I’ll pelt you with snowballs.
Great gallery :)
Thank you for such a pretty works. Very, very talent!