Kojiro-Brushard on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kojiro-brushard/art/CM-Ryder-Tf-642379155Kojiro-Brushard

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Kojiro-Brushard's avatar

CM- Ryder Tf



:iconsephzero:  Commissioned some halloween work with a couple of his girls.
Image size
4640x2000px 2.43 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Kojiro-Brushard
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LuisJM's avatar
To Sephzero/Kojiro-Brushard,

I'm doing a transformation music video on Youtube called 'Age Regression Music Video: Re-Upload' and after what happened when one of my transformation video got banned do to copyright infringement rules, I will be making changes of when I upload these videos.  All I need is permission to show case the transformation sequnces before I start uploading them.  So I was wondering if I can use your sequence 'MM 2016 - Ryder Candy Mishap' for my video.  If you agree to my permission, I will post your name and link to your website or Deviant Art profile next to your name on the description under the Youtube video.  Please respond to me as soon as you get this message.

Luis Javier Morgado
