+.Sticker commission.Dimitri.+Kohitsuji-chan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kohitsuji-chan/art/Sticker-commission-Dimitri-186527064Kohitsuji-chan

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+.Sticker commission.Dimitri.+




Sticker commission, or "sort or" for :iconyuki-koopa:, she had done a really big donation for the economical shit I'm passing by.

As I do feel very bad when I can't give something back, I asked yuki if I could do a couple of stickers for her, so there's on of 3 :la:

I still have to do one of Anibal, and a litte one that is still secret >w<, kukukukuku~~

So, hope you like it ;P

Do you like it?, Wan to get one?, Commission me!: [link]
Dimiri: ~Yuki-Koopa
Art: =Chacal-k
Image size
500x384px 103.04 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Kohitsuji-chan
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Yuki-Koopa's avatar
sdjhsjkd -muere- ... -revive magicamente- waaa lo ame <3 me enamore como se ve Dimi en tu estilo :glomp: muchas gracias loka, creeme hago lo posible para ayudar aunque esta algo complicado que la gente haga comisiones ultimamente x_x.
eeeeeeh!!? un sticker secreto? waaaaa :la: me ataca la curiosidad del mal, muchas graciash nuevamente :hug: