a bust of Tural by BaquitaniaKodiakx on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kodiakx/art/a-bust-of-Tural-by-Baquitania-66794441Kodiakx

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Kodiakx's avatar

a bust of Tural by Baquitania



This is my very first piece of art done by the amazing :iconbaquitania:! Meet Tural, my spines/regen scrapper from the game City of Heroes.

:iconbaquitania: is working on a new commission idea of doing bust in Painter. He asked on the City of Heroes forums for a couple characters to practice on and he picked my character. I must say it is simply amazing! I was shocked that Baquitania decided to do Tural and I am awestruck at the art he is able to do! Tural is now immortalized in art and it looks better than I could imagine!

Again, thanks alot Baquitania for my first piece of art, and what a piece it is!

If you want to comment or favorite it, please do it at :iconbaquitania:'s gallery. [link]
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1425x2239px 469.67 KB
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