My Robot MastermindKodiakx on DeviantArt

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My Robot Mastermind



This is a few screenshots of one of my many characters from the MMORPG, City of Villains. Meet Android.

I provided his "bio," but it doesn't do him justice. My ideas for the costumes are that he is still evolving. His original costume, the one on the left, is him during his younger years after his "father" was killed. He had to learn and adapt to his environment, and his costume reflects his immaturity. His mind at the time was maybe that of a young teen, so his fashion sense was, flawed. He just wanted to fit in with the rest of the Rogue Isle so he wasn't singled out.

As his mind matured and his "career" advanced, so did he. All the torture and torment that the citizens of the Rogue Isle endured was what this open "mind" (A.I.) took in. He began to adjust his own appearance to be more villianous and frightening. He also created his own most advanced "son," his Assault Bot. With his now six "sons" and himself, he is fulfilling the legacy in which he was shown at such a young age, the ruthless takeover of the weak.
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