Kochich on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kochich/art/Evergreen-613245618Kochich

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Kochich's avatar




Zootopia is a great movie, probably the most popular of recent Disney's movies.

However the ending had left us a lot of unanswered questions. So until the official sequel comes out, most of those questions are going to be tackled by a very talented writer Aninat in his story Evergreen.
If you are curious about what happened in the long months between the museum encounter and Nick's graduation (um.. spoilers?), then this is a story you should read.

More illustrations for this story will appear here as more chapters come out, so stay tuned!

First picture: >>>>

Minor update:
So apparently the scarf/handkerchief actually has a pattern around the trim.
I based it on a little blurry screenshot, so I don't know the exact details, but yeah, the thing has a pattern now. XD
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Cimar-WildeHopps's avatar
This is an incredible story, and Aninat is a wonderful writers as well. :) A great drawing for this wonderful story. :)