A Friendly Reminder

6 min read

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:wave: Hello Knitters and Crocheters. We've had a lot of new members join the group lately, and we're getting lots of submissions, which is great!!

I thought this would be a good time to remind every one to PLEASE submit your work to the correct folders. Most of you are great at this, so thanks! Just please take the time to scroll down before you submit and select the appropriate folder. Notice that we have :star:separate folders:star: for knit and crochet.

There is a limit of 3 submissions per day, only 1 view of each project please (photoshoped multi-image collages are ok.)

Our group only accepts knit and crochet work. Other needlework or yarn crafts are not allowed.

:star: Any submissions containing sexually explicit material, drug paraphernalia, or gory subject matter must have a mature content filter on it. �

Mature content on deviantART refers to deviations which contain content that may not be suitable for some audiences, such as nudity, excessive violence, blood, and other mature themes. Controversial pieces related to ideologically sensitive materials may also fall under these restrictions. FAQ #220: What is Mature Content?

Admins have the right to decline any submission they feel does not meet these standards. All you would need to do is edit the submission and turn on the filter, then re-submit it. If you have a question about it, just ask! We are really friendly :D

Arrow Bullet (Bright Purple) - F2U! :star: We do not accept submissions for announcing your own giveaways or contests to the gallery. We will gladly help you by adding that information to the Announcements Box on our front page! Please send a note to the group with the details.

Arrow Bullet (Bright Purple) - F2U! :star: We do not accept submissions for members' journals or advertisement-style deviations to the gallery.

Arrow Bullet (Bright Purple) - F2U! :star: We do not accept Cross-Stitch, Tatting, Macrame or other fiber work. There are groups for these types of works, please consider those.

You cannot submit the same project more than once to different folders. Make the best decision as to where it belongs and pick one folder.

Folder Guidelines:

:bulletred:FEATURED:bulletred:This folder is reserved for members that donate prizes to our contests!

:bulletred:TOYS AND PLUSHIES:bulletred:These Knit and Crochet folders are for all toys and PLUSHIES like amigurumi.

:bulletred:CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES:bulletred:These Knit and Crochet folders are for things PEOPLE wear not dolls, toys, or animals, those projects should go into one of the MISC. folders.

:bulletred:AFGHANS AND BLANKETS:bulletred:These Knit and Crochet folders are for all blankets, no matter the size or shape.

:bulletred:ITEMS FOR SALE:bulletred:This folder is for Knit and Crochet items you've made to sell.

:bulletred:PATTERNS AND TUTORIALS:bulletred:This folder is for projects you've written your own patterns for or made tutorials to. Please include the information in the description or a link to where you have it if it's on another site.

:bulletred:MISCELLANEOUS:bulletred:These Knit and Crochet folders are for projects you can't quite place and they don't seem to fit in any of our other folders.

:bulletred:CHARITY WORK:bulletred:This folder is for Knit and Crochet items that you are donating to any charity. For your work to be approved into the folder you must state in your discription the NAME OF THE CHARITY and if possible a link. If the piece is for sale with proceeds going to charity, you must add those details as well.

:bulletred:WIP:bulletred:We have a WIP folder for projects that are STILL INCOMPLETE but you just can't wait to share!

:bulletred:MIXED KNIT AND CROCHET:bulletred:If you are talented in both skills and use them in the SAME PROJECT then this folder is for you!

:bulletred:JEWELRY:bulletred:This folder is for Knit and Crochet jewelry made of any material.

:bulletred:YARN LOVE:bulletred:Do you spin or dye your own yarn? Do you like to take pictures of your stash or favorite yarns? Then this folder is for you!

:bulletred:EMBELLISHED CRAFTS:bulletred: Any other type of craft (made by you) that has bits of knit or crochet added on.

:bulletred:DAILY DEVIATIONS:bulletred:This folder is reserved for members who have received DDs. If you get a DD (or have gotten one) let us know and we will move or copy it to this folder!

:bulletred:CHALLENGE:bulletred: Most months our group holds themed challenges. These are NOT CONTESTS. Just a way to inspire your creativity and maybe use up some of that yarn stash you have laying around!

If you have ANY problems submitting, or are not able to select the right folder, please note the group.

Thanks in advace for being so cooperative!
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zahlenfreak's avatar
Hi there: the Moebius strip


is no clothing accessoire. It is too small to fit around your neck. Unfortunatelly, there was no folder 'Mathematical objects'. ;-) Now I see that I should have submitted it to 'Miscellaneous Crochet' (or did I? not sure).