
410 deviations

409 deviations

A.I. Art: Poetry Images
10 deviations
A.I. Art: Pinups
2 deviations

A.I. Art: Coherent CLIP-Guided Diffusion
10 deviations

45 deviations

Clandestine Clicks
10 deviations

Companions of Harqual
13 deviations

10 deviations

Crow God NPCs
15 deviations

Crow God Villains
2 deviations
The Orphan King's Transdimensional Adoption League
Fictional Press Release
The Orphan King's Transdimensional Adoption League
801 Pyramid Lake Road
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
(780) 852-xxxx
June 1, 2009
We are pleased to announce that the Multidimensional Theater Company (MTC) will be performing their renown variety show at the Village of Forest Town's 25th Annual Summer Fair beginning July 1. The show will be highlighted by the Orphan King's own performance of a magic and puppet show, which he made famous as a member of the MTC before gaining the Crown on an alternate plane of reality. The variety show is free to attend but patrons have the option to make money and food donations.
Company leader and ringmaster Archibald Windsong is thrilled about the chance to perform alongside his old colleague and mentor. “Hezekiah's participation in the show will be a real treat for those in attendance and for us as well. His magic and puppet show is a rare joy to behold, especially for children and pixies.”
“I am looking forward
d20 Modern Roleplaying
2 deviations

Dark World
1 deviation

Digital Artwork
7 deviations
Dimension of Centras
The Setting
The Dimension of Centras is "Open-Source Heroic Setting" that can exist in any Open-Source universe. While it is designed to revolve around the character known as Helix of Centras (its most famous hero), it can be used without referring to that character or the Kheros Family.
Within the setting are multiple worlds and other dimensions that can also be used. The primary Reality Realm of the setting is called Zhaunal. It is a solar realm that has fifteen planets with the sixth planet, Anuthra, being the most important in the realm. Anuthra is the home world of the Kheros Family.
The Dimension of Centras is considered to be a neo-Silver Age setting with many strange facets. There are not only powered Impavid Heroes but also aliens (including extra-dimensional beings), strange magic, twisted mutations, super science, and both extra-dimensional & time travel.
There are five main Reality Realms in the dimension that each have a system of planets. Zhaunal [earth, water] is the
Dimension of Centras
12 deviations

Edmonton Expo 2012
14 deviations

Edmonton Expo 2014
7 deviations

Edmonton's Cityscape
29 deviations

3 deviations

Food Photography
4 deviations
Guardian Chronicles: The First Chronicle
The overall plot of the Guardian Chronicles is that there is a unnatural threat invading our universe, which is called The Darkness. No other name truly fits what this dark, evil threat is as it is an unknown alien presence from another dimension and/or universe.
The main opponent of this evil are the Guardians of Creation. This mantle of hope and freedom has been passed from species to species as the universe ages. The previous Guardians, a dying race only known as the Predecessors, are forced to pass the Energy to humanity instead of the alien race they had originally chosen.
(Either that race was destroyed before the Predecessors could get the Energy to them or the Predecessors are forced to pass the Energy on to humanity because the agents of The Darkness come too close to catching them. I haven't decided yet.)
The Energy is transferred to humanity through psychic power and elemental forces. However, it fails to spread evenly among the people of Earth. Instead it concentrates in
Guardian Chronicles
10 deviations

HeroForge Creations
57 deviations

HeroMachine Creations
72 deviations
Gatestar System
Star Data
Type: M6 V Red Dwarf
Radius: 2.37 x 105 km (0.34 x sol)
Mass: 3.68 x 1029 kg (0.19 x sol)
Temperature: 2500 K
Luminosity: 1.25 x 1025 W (0.03 x sol)
Type: Rock Planet
Orbital Radius: 1.02 x 107 km (0.07 AU)
Period: 3.59 x 102 hours (0.04 earth years)
Gravity: 2.95 m/s2 (0.30 x earth)
Civilization: Colony (exiles)
Alid Belt
Type: Asteroid Belt
Orbital Radius: 1.95 x 107 km (0.13 AU)
Period: 9.58 x 102 hours (0.11 earth years)
Civilization: Multiple colonies (mainly military)
Type: Terrestrial World
Orbital Radius: 2.96 x 107 km (0.20 AU)
Period: 1.78 x 103 hours (0.20 earth years)
Physics: Standard iron/silicate
Gravity: 9.52 m/s2 (0.97 x earth)
Hydrosphere: 33% water, 28% ice
Atmosphere: Standard breathable
Biosphere: Earthlike but w/ altered diversity (see below)
Civilization: Colony (special)
Special: Advanced alien artifact
Type: Standard iron/silicate
Radius: 6436.76 km (1.01 x earth)
15 deviations

Jenny Everywhere
5 deviations

MacEwan University
9 deviations

6 deviations