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Pet the chicken!
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I've also set it to never expire:

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Well, you guys know I attended it and I had a blast! I even signed some posters which was cool :)

So, who got my poster? Did any of you attend my panel? :D
For the people that did; I do have a request though. If anyone of my followers bought/got the poster, would you mind taking a picture of it if you happen to hung it up on the wall? That's be so awesome :D

I just love seeing this kind of stuff ^^
I know this journal is late but meh~

Please do note me about it though cause some people might not like showing their face or the layout of their room.

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With just a few votes in between, I'm happy to announce that the winner of the competition is: ... :iconkawaiiklau: !!

Remiii~ Bubbles [Winning competition entry] by KawaiiKlau

The second place goes to... :iconlionbun1:
Dragon's Toy by Lionbun1

and the third place: 
:iconnana-yuka: Nana-Yuka

Thanks for entering again, people :)
I will give the winner a note in the next few days so we can discuss the drawing along with poster details <3



1) :iconlionbun1: LittleDreamyCat
Dragon's Toy by Lionbun1

2) :iconnana-yuka: Nana-Yuka

3) :iconphuocthiencreation: PhuocThienCreation
I'll always with you... by PhuocThienCreation

4) :iconshadowthefilly: ShadowTheFilly

5) :iconkawaiiklau: LightningFlashyy
Remiii~ Bubbles [Winning competition entry] by KawaiiKlau

6) :iconl-suu: L-suu

7) :iconsmartguest: smartguest
On the Tail End of Trouble [Declassified] by smartguest

8) :icontuxedostalllion: TuxedoStalllion
Scoota'olordy by TuxedoStalllion

9) :iconpapibabidi: Papibabidi
Scootalo by papibabidi

10) :iconjizue: TheLegendaryUniverse
Nife by Jizue

11) :icon61emb16: 61EMB16

12) :iconneutertuesday: AhAintThatBad
Sleepy Scoots by NeuterTuesday 

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I know it ended some days ago and I'll make a pool available soon for people to vote.
Not sure yet how many days I should allows people to vote but most likely it'll be 2-3 days.

Thanks everyone for attending the competition :D
The contestants are (in according to submission date):


1) :iconlionbun1: LittleDreamyCat
2) :iconjizue: TheLegendaryUniverse
3) :iconl-suu: L-suu
4) :iconphuocthiencreation: PhuocThienCreation
5) :iconkawaiiklau: LightningFlashyy
6) :icon61emb16: 61EMB16
7) :iconneutertuesday: AhAintThatBad
8) :iconnana-yuka: Nana-Yuka
9) :iconsmartguest: smartguest
10) :iconpapibabidi: Papibabidi
11) :icontuxedostalllion: TuxedoStalllion
12) :iconshadowthefilly: ShadowTheFilly

Keep a look out for a journal later tonight or tomorrow in regards to voting!

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Should I stay or should I go? by KnifeH, journal

2nd link for the chat people missed (discord) by KnifeH, journal

Brony Fair 2016, so, who got my poster? by KnifeH, journal

Final verdict for the contestant winner! by KnifeH, journal

Competition entries! by KnifeH, journal