1 YCH available  - YCH1(OPEN) - DiscountKnifeH on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/knifeh/art/1-YCH-available-YCH1-OPEN-Discount-563253734KnifeH

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KnifeH's avatar

1 YCH available - YCH1(OPEN) - Discount



Last one available! Discount on this one :heart:

Been a while since I did one of these. Except this time it won't be an auction but rather, just snag one. I haven't uploaded this on Tumblr yet cause I want to give you guys a chance to buy something before they do :p.

For people I owe commissions to still; don't worry. I won't finish these sketches yet (see below).

For people new to YCHs (Your Character Here), you are purchasing one (or more) of the sketches to have a character of your choice drawn.

The sketches does NOT reflect the quality of the finished product. 
SKETCH-2-FULL CG EXAMPLE: i.imgur.com/u7dxhay.jpg
Please have a look at the following examples as well or have a look in my gallery: fav.me/d9aep31fav.me/d8of49i , fav.me/d8laz5s , fav.me/d8k7vv1 , fav.me/d8l8jea

YCH 1:
Buy price: SOLD TO :iconartiicun0:
Info: Pony leaping over a fence, being really happy.
Rating: SFW
Finished process: Fully shaded with a nice background.
Alterations: I can spread the legs out more. Expression can also be changed and eye(s) open.
Gender/race: Any

YCH 2:
Buy price: SOLD TO :iconherpyd0oves:
Info: Super flexible pony, standing on a pole and doing a stunt for a talent show.
Rating: SFW and NSFW (for another 5 USD). 2 versions available; normal, naughty parts (if you pay for NSFW)
Finished process: Fully shaded with a nice background.
Alterations: If you want the limbs moved, I can probably arranged that. If the pony is an alicorn/unicorn, I can also add some extra stuff that the pony will be doing (juggling balls, or something; with magic).
Gender/race: Any

YCH 3:
Buy price: SOLD TO :iconsandstorm727:
Info: Pony showing off her butt.
Rating: SFW and NSFW. 3 versions available; with panties, without panties and naughty parts (if you pay for NSFW)
Finished process: Fully shaded with an "OK" background.
Alterations: Expression.
Gender/race: Female and any race.

OPEN: Still available for purchase.
SOLD: Someone bought the sketch.



Bullet; Blue Payment upfront and PayPal only, in USD once the sketch has been won/bought. Please wait for me to send you a note.
Bullet; Blue If you want to print this picture as a poster later on; I can draw in a bigger canvas (6000 pixels in height) but you would have to add 10 USD to the price as this will take longer to draw.
Bullet; Blue Please reply to the comments below for the YCH you're interested in!
Bullet; Blue Estimated delivery time is between 1-2 months. I have quite a backlog to tend to :)
Bullet; Blue The pose is what you get unless it's specified in the information above. If you're gonna nit-pick on a lot of things during the YCH commission period then I might cancel the YCH and do a partial refund
Bullet; Blue I'm a nice guy, so be a nice person back. Most times it can take me days or a week before I reply back to an commission update. I'm a busy bee and I can't respond to everyone, especially if there is no update on the commission

+Rules for buying:
Bullet; Blue Bailing out on a purchase = I might ban you *scrunchy face*. So please be serious

How to pay:
Bullet; Blue PayPal only
Bullet; Blue I don't send invoices
Bullet; Blue Send in USD
Bullet; Blue Do NOT send with an address cause PayPal will think you're expecting physical goods. These are digital goods. If you mess up I will refund the payment (you won't lose any money) so we can do it again
Bullet; Blue Use PayPal Goods and Fees (so pay for a service). Do NOT add any extra money to cover the PayPal fee, unless you want to tip me or something :p

Bullet; Blue If you have any questions about what I can do for the YCH (like if I can change/add something), feel free to ask :) (Smile)
Bullet; Blue I may re-post the picture to any website I want. Of course I will let people know who's OC it is or who won the YCH. 
Image size
1400x1065px 370.69 KB
© 2015 - 2025 KnifeH
anonymous's avatar
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chuckefarts's avatar
Did you finish #2?  Is it private?  I might consider buying if you have not done the picture for some reason.  Would love to see it.