KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/ToT-Team-Pathfinders-Gijinka-669431734KlumzyNinja

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KlumzyNinja's avatar

ToT Team Pathfinders Gijinka




So distracted from working on the actual story! XP
I just saw others doing this and I've never actually done a Gijinka before so decided to try my hand at it :D

Sonya is a tomboy so despite being pink she'd more likely wear comfortable loose clothing compared to cute, frilly stuff. So a sleeveless hoodie and shorts is what I saw her in.
Then Yang does have some Chinese heritage in herself so styled her clothing to match in a small way. She wears stockings but due to her trauma in her legs she'd still have them wrapped securely out of paranoia.

This was fun! Now lets see if I have energy to finish up what I really need to work on X'D

Ack! Almost forgot to link back owner XP

Blank Meme - fav.me/db1z8sk
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2000x2800px 941.99 KB
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Zassa2's avatar
Wow, this is really good! I'm jealous. I feel the need to update my gijinkas now.