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ToT Intermission 3 - Difficult Debriefing Pt8




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App. Team Pathfinders

Whoo can't believe how long its been since I've updated on this ^^; My own fault since real life has made me have no energy or time to draw these past months.
Working at Disney during the holidays is no joke.... Just glad I survived through it so I can start drawing again and freaken catch up in the story!! XD

Here we see that not all witch hunters are held in good regard. Witches are still the top badies of course, but not everyone agrees with the witch hunter concept of hunting them for money or to kill. Sonya's clan are the ones who kill on the spot, be there an audience or not. And Cerise was there to witness just how merciless her sister and clan can be. Sonya's not happy with being reminded of what she ran from.

Collab with :iconfoxesrain: who owns Nox

Sonya (c) Mine
Story (c) Tales Of Tabira
Pokémon (c) Nintendo
Image size
700x1000px 237.58 KB
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