KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/ToT-Intermission-3-Difficult-Debriefing-Pt4-637179439KlumzyNinja

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ToT Intermission 3 - Difficult Debriefing Pt4




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App. Team Pathfinders

Omg this page killed me! Only because I was trying to figure out how to do a flashback and thats the best I could do XD I wanted to give an idea of what happened during the Hit and Run task for Chapter 3. I didn't add any shadows in this one, I just wanted to get it finished and put up so yeah XP Still came out pretty good for the moment. I'm getting the hang of this litte by little ^^; At least I hope I am

Still being stared at, Sonya's starting to lose her cool. Nox also notices her unease as they continue to try to explain. Things are getting more tense now.

Collab with :iconfoxesrain: who owns Nox.
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650x900px 301.93 KB
© 2016 - 2024 KlumzyNinja
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p101's avatar
It's still looking good mate!^^ For your first comic, I reckon it's been good so far. Consistent in quality with no dips. In fact, you've given a bit of an effect to the background to give it some depth and to simulate shadow as well! So that's a good move on your part! :D

Although if I could give my input into making something look like a flashback. 
Most flashbacks usually appear as black and white including an opaque appearance. Applying those to the images you used could help create the desired effect you're looking for.
You could also fade the edges around the images and increase their size a bit to help convey the idea that they're Sonya's thoughts. If you're unsure of how to do that, then look up any guides or tutorials concerning the application you're using.

I hope that helps a little! :)

Nox and Sonya is still looking nice and fluffy though!^^ Even if they're supposed to have short fur.