KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/ToT-Intermission-3-Difficult-Debriefing-Final-665614020KlumzyNinja

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ToT Intermission 3 - Difficult Debriefing Final




Previous: fav.me/daxxd40

App. Team Pathfinders

I sped through this! DX Sorry all but I wanted to catch up as best as I can and doing a comic is harder than I thought. So just going back to doing what I was doing before and that's quick pics of the main parts! XP
Once I get the hang of it better will I try again, for now I'm going to stick to this until I've finally caught up!

Written Here part that Foxesrain did in our collab. It'll have the rest of what all they talked about that this comic represents if you wish to read it. I mostly just drew the slightly important parts of what we wrote together. Check it out if you want, for now this is done! XD

Collab with :iconfoxesrain: who owns Nox

Earned +1 Token of Reputation which they use to gain +1 Rep with the Artisans
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1024x2966px 478.03 KB
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p101's avatar
Oh boy, looks like I gotta kick it into high gear if I'm gonna help you out later on!
I'm actually typing away at a chapter now, since I did make a promise to Luna not to leave everyone hanging for months on end this time. XD

Adding this, I think I've got plenty of motivation to catch up!

I do like how, even though you're not experienced with digital drawing, you were still able to capture both Sonya's and Nox's emotions rather well! Definitely a good sign that you're working from some good sketches if you're tracing, or that you've still got some solid fundamentals even in a media you're not familiar with. Good on ya mate!^^