KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/ToT-Intermission-3-Awkward-Playtime-631565759KlumzyNinja

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KlumzyNinja's avatar

ToT Intermission 3 - Awkward Playtime




Team Pathfinders

Welp! Here's me trying out how to make a comic! XD I'm not good at doing comics and never really done one at all, so this is me attempting in a small way to get an idea of how to work things out and create one. I did have fun with this so not to shabby for my first time.

Yang and Sonya split up again to take on different tasks, Yang deciding to watch the kids at the orphanage while its being fixed up. She gets a small surprise visit from Prier who asks her a few questions about what happened in the Don's reservoir. He overheard how things went down with her team and Nox and wanted to know more about it.
Yang tells him about how they fought the assassins and Sonya's evolution, but didn't reveal about Nox's newfound witch powers.
Prier is disappointed in not hearing everything and walks away while Yang slightly relaxes.
She's then reminded of something important that happened in the cavern and with as much determination as she can muster, sets off on her own.

Task Completed: Help Seren watch the orphans
Earned Cracked Clay
Image size
1025x3567px 564.29 KB
© 2016 - 2024 KlumzyNinja
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p101's avatar
I just knew Yang would watch the orphans while Sonya went off and did the 'temple of doom' task.^^(I know that isn't what it's called, but I think it's kinda funny to call it that! XD)

And I think I have a pretty good idea of what Yang is going to go and do in the reservoir. But I'll keep it to myself until you've revealed it. ;)