KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/ToT-Chapter-4-Rouge-in-Allied-Lines-681239329KlumzyNinja

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ToT Chapter 4 - Rouge in Allied Lines




App. Team Pathfinders

Once more crappy backgrounds! But at least I sort of tried in a way, got a long way to go. Eh, at least I'm trying ^_^
Decided to do this one quick drawing in representation and future reference to the story :iconfoxesrain: and I did for this chapter. You can read it all starting Here

And I wanted a small excuse to try my hand at drawing cameos, to which I did grown up Reef as a Lucario :D Well, still a kid at heart and age, but he's taller now ^_^
I know there were waaaay more cameos in the written part than I didn't draw, but this is mostly practice for myself and future reference guide for my teams story. So yeah, learning on my own so going with what I can for now.

Welp then, getting there little by little. For now,  done! :D :D

Collab with :iconfoxesrain: who owns Nox

Cameo drawn

Reef belongs to :iconp101:

Task completed: Track and Capture Madeline while recovering the Totems
Earned +1 Scholars Rep and Mushroom Lantern
Image size
1280x720px 403.73 KB
© 2017 - 2024 KlumzyNinja
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Spartan-771's avatar
They're not bad; they're getting better with each drawing, keep it up!
