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ToT Chap 1 : Stage Hands




Yang can sing really well, but because of her timidness she refused. So Sonya is kinda upset at her friend for not participating and just helped her cleaned after the performance. 

Well, it's a start. I may or may not do all the chapter 1 tasks but the Artisan's tasks I'll try to do. Then hopefully continue to the 2nd and 3rd chapter before the deadline. Kinda doubt I'll make it ^^; But hey gotta start somewhere.
I do like how this came out. I'm still learning and figuring out what kind of art style I like so along the way, Sonya and Yang might change here and there. I apologize for the inconsistency but I'm trying to improve.
If you all have any comments or critiques for me on what to improve or anything, I'll gladly take them. Thank ya in advance ^_^

Task Completed: Contribute to a play or performance in some way. +1 Artisan's Rep

I hope I did this right. If I made a mistake let me know and I'll fix it :)

Pokemon (c) Nintendo
Story (c) Tales of Tabira
Art (c) Mine
Image size
1025x1296px 632.33 KB
© 2016 - 2024 KlumzyNinja
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RoseyBirb's avatar
*ISH DRAWING FAN ART FOR YOU * owo dont tell anyone shhhhhhhh