
ToT 15 Questions - Team Pathfinders/Mentor

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KlumzyNinja's avatar

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-Choose one to as many of your Tales of Tabira Pokémon as you have for the questions. Who you choose is up to you!
- You must answer the questions as if you were those characters.
- Have fun with it!

Sonya, Sylveon
Yang, Shiny Mienfoo
Mentor, Banette

1. What's your name?
M-My name is Yang. N-Nice to meet you.


Hello there dears~ You may call me Mentor~

2. Do you know why you were named that?
M-My parents said because of how bright my aura looked when I was born.

Don’t know, never asked and don’t care. Its my name simple as that.

If you want to know so badly, my own teachers bestowed that title upon me. As for what my real name is, that’s a secret~

3. If you could be any other Pokémon, what would you want to be?
A-A Lucario like my father.

I would of liked to have evolved in to a Vaporeon or probably been a fighting type like a Mienfoo or Lucario.

Hmmm, I prefer what I am right now thank you~

4. What's your favorite food?
I-I love berry sandwiches or salads. I-I’m actually a vegetarian, i-if you didn’t know.

Pecha berry pie. Leave me alone, I’m not afraid to say anymore I like sweets.

Being a ghost I don’t eat very often. Though being a dream witch, I love to eat nightmares~ They're actually quite tasty~

5. Have any hobbies?
I-I really like cooking. A-And.... dancing....

Nature walks and swimming.

Eating and looking in to others dreams. Oh, and annoying my runt of a student. Its so much fun making her angry with her short temper~

6. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you want to live?
I-I actually like living in Tabira now, b-but I wouldn’t mind trying to go home again to Xin Tou and seeing if anything has changed.

I’ve gotten used to living with Yang in Tabira, but I prefer to travel more and see new things.

Where to live? No thanks dear. I actually prefer to travel anywhere I wish. Though I do admit, I miss the homey feeling of Tabira I once knew.

7. How do you feel about magic?
I-I’m, well I don’t hate it since some who use magic aren’t bad. I-It’s those who use it for evil, t-that scare me.

I’m not fond of it due to my, instincts. I can sense it and it makes me on edge, but I’m learning to tolerate it.

Of course you’re talking to a dream witch dear~ Of course magic is my life. I may not love it exactly, but I have skills with it.

8. Biggest fear?
B-Becoming a prisoner again and being alone…

Losing those I’ve grown to care for. Or they get hurt or, killed, because of me.

I’m a ghost deary, not much scared me lately. Though I do admit, I’ve grown fond of my students. I do worry for them and their safety.

9. Who do you look up to the most?
M-My parents at first. N-Now it's Sonya and my friend Nox. T-They push me to want to be stronger and always have my back.

My Mentor and Yang. Mentor helped me realize what reality truly is and Yang, well she reminds me there is such a thing as true kindness.

My own teachers who taught me dream and sleep magic. They’re quite strong and inspirational.

10. What are your pet peeves?
W-When others leave a messy room or don't eat all their food. A-And when some ask about my legs....

Being forced to do something I don't want or when people assume before they hear the whole story. Oh, and when others touch me without my consent.

When someone messes with my students. Oh, and when other witches test me.

11. Do you have any quirks?
I-I tend to stutter my words a lot. L-Like now, sorry.

I frown a lot when I’m annoyed or frustrated. Which is quite often.

I tend to invade others dreams when I bored. I don’t eat them without the owners consent, I promise. Well, mostly~ ;)

12. If you could meet a legendary, which one would you choose?
I-I’ve heard tales of a beautiful fairy type legendary that gives life to all things. I-I’d love to see it in person.

I heard theres one who can travel back and forth in time. I wouldn’t mind going back and fixing mistakes I’ve made……

My teachers magic is based on two legendaries, one who is master over dreams and another who can awaken them from dreams. I would love to meet them somehow.

13. Have a crush on anyone?
N-Not really. I-I don’t really think about that right now.

*Blushes and looks down* No comment….

A crush, dear me no. I’m a little too old to have a crush.

14. What do you wish you could change about yourself?
T-To not be so afraid of w-witches and b-bandits, and m-more confident.

To perhaps be, more patient, and to no longer have my corruption.

Not a thing dear~ I love myself just how I am~

15. Why is your team named what it is?
I-It was actually, a suggestion from our Mentor. S-She knew of our struggles and to help us, she set us on this path to better ourselves.

It was the old hags suggestion. Our Mentor, she tells us to call her. After some training from her for a few years she told us to find our own path in Tabira, and called us Pathfinders. So yeah, it just stuck I guess. She never lets us live it down though.

Not apart of a team so don’t have one. Though, I did come up with my student’s team name. So glad they decided to go with it~ Makes me feel like a proud mother~

App. Team Pathfinders
Mentor Ref - Here

Blank Meme -

Just something fun to do, and to give a little fun info for their Mentor who will be coming in to the story very soon! :D She's a character I'll warn you now, but she means well. I think XD

Nox mentioned belongs to :iconfoxesrain:
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Zassa2's avatar
Hehe, oh Sonya. :)