KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/Team-Pathfinders-Yang-Ref-752036069KlumzyNinja

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KlumzyNinja's avatar

Team Pathfinders - Yang Ref




Eh why not, decided to give an official Ref for my timid Mienfoo child :heart: Plus give others a better idea of how her curse mark looks like under her wrappings, both when its normal and when it activates.

I'm not the most creative in doing designs, but what they're supposed to represent are something close to a chain like appearance meant to magically bound her legs and cause pain.

And you get to see what she'd somewhat look like with her bangs down for once ^_^

Yang belongs to me
Image size
1864x778px 311.68 KB
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Zero-Zivan's avatar
She did always have a "soft" look; having her hair down causes it to all be more in one place and look extra fluffy. Very cute.