KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/Team-Pathfinders-SDMT-Themed-625177064KlumzyNinja

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KlumzyNinja's avatar

Team Pathfinders SDMT Themed




Welp, decided to color the sketch I did just for fun and I like how it came out ^_^ Simple coloring and I just added in the title of where the costume is themed from and a few gems for fun since it is the Seven Dwarves Mine Train (SMDT) :D

Just had fun with this one and a bit of practice in doing clothing designs. If I feel more confident I'll do the more complicated costumes later but for now I like how I did this one.

If anyone wants me to draw their team in the SDMT costume just send me a request and I'll see what I can do. I'll try to do more Disney costumes as time goes along.
For the moment, gotta focus a bit on doing the next Intermission :D

Team Pathfinders (c) Me
Pokémon (c) Nintendo
Story (c) Tales Of Tabira
Disney (c) Not Mine
Image size
1280x720px 353.32 KB
© 2016 - 2024 KlumzyNinja
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Foxesrain's avatar
Yep, now I really can see the differences between the sketches and the drawn version~ In the sketches did I though that Sonyas eyes were closed xD

You should actually tell the others that you left the pants out of the drawings so they know that you guys don't run around just like that x3

I really can't wait to see Sonya in the most adorable costume of your work and how she and Yang will react to that :3