KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/Team-Pathfinders-Magical-World-Theme-641994430KlumzyNinja

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KlumzyNinja's avatar

Team Pathfinders Magical World Theme




Welp! Stumbled upon some pictures for a new Disney game and I feel in love with the outfits so badly I had to draw my team in them!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

If your curious, Here and Here are the original designs for the outfits. I'm just gushing over them so badly!

Just a rush of inspiration due to how awesome looking the outfits are, I just had to draw my girls showing them off :D I'm going to try to do another picture with my girls again (This time Sonya in a dress XD She's not going to be happy about that) along with some of my friends from Tales Of Tabira who will also be sporting the outfits too.

If you would like for me to try to include your own character sporting these fun outfits, let me know in the comments and I'll see if I can squeeze ya in ^_^ This might be my fun contribution for a Halloween pic since they will be dressed up technically speaking ;)

Anyway, hope you like it! I worked hard on making the outfits as close to the pics as I could and had fun doing it! :D :D

Outfits and design belong to Disney, not me
Team Pathfinders is Mine
Image size
1178x938px 447.63 KB
© 2016 - 2024 KlumzyNinja
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p101's avatar
I can actually see why you'd like these outfits!
They have this really magical feeling to them that you just expect out of a Disney design. And I'm not just saying that because of the hats! (You know, because they look like wizard hats. I'm so clever! XD)

The use of White as the main colour, while using bright colours like blue and pink as accents really help keep the design feeling absolutely lively. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Disney actually decided to use these costumes in their theme parks!

Here's hoping for you on that end Ninja!;) I bet you'd love to wear one of these costumes. Well, I'm kinda making an assumption on that part, but still. I'd personally like to wear the more male-oriented ones myself~!^^