KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/Sonya-Heart-Chart-677517274KlumzyNinja

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KlumzyNinja's avatar

Sonya Heart Chart




App. Team Pathfinders

Yang's Heart Chart - fav.me/db7dir7

Blank Meme - fav.me/db2xl5c

And now Sonya :D She's come a long way from where she first started. I feel like a proud parent! My child starting with not having many friends besides one and now look at how many she considers friends. She's still not sure if this is a good or bad thing, we'll find out! ^_^

Nox owned by :iconfoxesrain:

Reef owned by :iconp101:

Nodoka owned by :iconroseybirb:

Peach owned by :icon1apple-fox1:

Artemis and Dolce owned by :iconbunipii:

Lunette and Marco owned by :iconlunapok:

Sonya is mine
Image size
1459x1194px 778.21 KB
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Spartan-771's avatar
That's a lot of people