KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/PLW-Chains-Pt-1-890216937KlumzyNinja

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PLW - Chains Pt.1




Cover: Here

Next: Here

Mentor decided to help Charles out by looking into a thieving job. Not so much to turn them in as curious to who it is doing them.

While looking around and grabbing some random hoodlum dreams as a snack, she meets a rather curious Meowstic. She is quite weary of him due to the fact he's one, a Meowstic. And two: She knows he's a psychic type and what they're capable of.

Despite her weariness, he hints at knowing who the thieves are. With the reassurance she won't turn them in to be locked away, he reassures her the thieves are an, interesting pack of hybrids.

Having done finished her task for Charles, Mentor readied to leave. Eager to be away from the rather sassy Meowstic. At least until he says something particular that makes her tense up and magic flare.
Only to look and find him gone just like that.

She's not too happy of what he said to her or what he knows, but for now leaves him be.

Yet, seems he's not quite done with her as of yet. 

"Do take care Miss Oph-Mentor."


Objective: Find the thief stealing food supplies.

Reward: +1 Health potion

First part up! Along with beginning this story I also used this as a means to do a side quest too ^^
Not sure how fond I am of this comic format but I'm trying. Might see of making them shorter? Or in more sections? We'll see but I'm quite proud of this :D <3

Nyn belongs to the fab :iconfaelaarts:
Mentor belongs to me
Image size
900x4542px 2.11 MB
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