KlumzyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klumzyninja/art/Leo-Team-Pathfinders-NPC-715307981KlumzyNinja

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Leo - Team Pathfinders NPC




Name: Leonardo (Leo)

Species: Cacturne      Gender: Male
Ability: Water Absorb
-Leech Seed
-Sucker Punch
-Needle Arm

Leo here is a local bandit known for his clever ways of hindering his opponents and using it as an advantage to gain the upper hand. Whether by using Toxic or Leech Seed, taunting others to a blind rage, using pain to intimidate others, or any kind of underhanded method he'll use it to his own advantage. He loves making a profit on whatever he thinks is valuable, including betting and cheating on fights or bids, he's very clever and has a high tolerance for pain.
Leo has a major role in Yang's life as he was the bandit in charge of her during her imprisonment at the fighting arenas. He was mostly in charge of making sure she didn't escape and made it to her fights in time. Yang hasn't seen him ever since she escaped thanks to Mentor's help, but one things for sure he still remembers Yang well due to the broken spike she gave him before her legs were cursed.

With the new chapter coming up very soon, it's the perfect chance to introduce this personal NPC I've been saving for a while. With the fact bandits are raiding, time to bring in the bandit that tortured Yang for almost a year.

This guy here is one of the reasons why Yang is terrified of bandits and of Cacturnes. He'll have a huge role coming up for Ch6 so look forward to it! :D

Others are welcome to use him as a brief cameo but nothing too big. Let me know if you'd like to use him and I'll see if it's fine thank you :D :D

Leo belongs to me
Image size
632x720px 116.02 KB
© 2017 - 2024 KlumzyNinja
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Zero-Zivan's avatar
Didn't know her legs were cursed! But this is quite a backstory.