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Marc-André Toupin
478 Watchers24 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

  • Canada
  • Deviant for 21 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (16)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Current Residence: Montréal, Québec, Canada
Favourite genre of music: 8 bit, indie, electronic, wathever sounds good especially happy/heartwarming melodies
Personal Quote: Un esturgeon qui piétine un aigle, c'est espiègle.

Favourite Games
Cave story, Spelunky, Worms, Smash bros.
Other Interests
Making stuff, taking my time doing so
Hiya DeviantArt, long time no see. During the last decade, I've became aware of important issues with some of the things I've uploaded here. My 3d animation demo reel 'Le canyon de la mort', and my older short 'Blind Bull's hunt' both contain a reductive, unfair, uninformed and even hurtful depiction of indigenous people (one even dies squashed by a spaceship, without it being a big deal at all). Of course these are cartoons, and of course I meant no wrong at the time of making them. I was naievely inspired by indigenous art - and, I guess, by being indigenous as a concept - while ignoring everything about the realities and struggles of indigenous peoples in so called Canada and beyond. I though I could just invent comedy around what I had learned from a skewed education system, cartoons and other depictions of indigenous peoples in mainstream culture. Today, I understand that Canada was built on land in vast majority stolen from First Nations and Inuits. They were forcefully
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Merure 3

0 min read
Cette année encore, j'ai participé au formidable recueil de bd MERURE et le produit final est vraiment trop merveilleux. Le lancement se fait au Bistro l'Étranger le 7 octobre. Soyez-y!This year again, I took a part in the amazing MERURE comic collective. The launch is october 7th at Bistro l'Étranger. Be there!---------------------------------------------- EDIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------- Le Bistro l'Étranger n'étant plus, le lancement aura plutôt lieu le 22 octobre à... Bistro l'Étranger being out of business, the launch will actually take place on october 22nd at...Restaurant Le Grillon Inc 1950 ...
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0 min read
I felt like writing this journal for a while and I figured I'd do that before not being on vacation anymore. So... yeah, I finished a bunch of stuff lately and I managed to have currently no deadline to meet, something that I've really been looking forward to. Of course, like everything once you've actually achieved it,  it's frustratingly not as magical as anticipated. Still magical though.Anyway, the main point of this post is to share with you those things that I've been doing lately and I'm proud of.1- 5th Dimension http://5dthegame.com Third time I mention it, but programming this game was my main occupation for the last year and half...
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Profile Comments 336

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My childhood is unlocked, that it's actually you who made the flash game called "A.L.I.A.S" (1, 2 and 3) and it brings back good memories.

    Hello, Marc-André Toupin, I knew you through a flash game named A.L.I.A.S Episode1,2,3 which was released in 2005. I come from China, first meet your game and play them in 2006 when I was a primary 1 class pupil^^. 13 years past... Now I have enough English skill, I replay the very very old game, the memories blast out...
    I really appreciate and admire you, the A.L.I.A.S series was a masterpiece since the 2D vector style is my cup of tea! Hope you can see this message one day~:)

Wow, I did see it:)Thanks so much for your kind comment :) I love to hear from people I've inspired with my first games. This being about a game I made in 2005 makes it even more special, somehow :P

I've been looking at videos of these old games myself recently and I felt the nostalgia, although I'm completely elsewhere in my life and I'd definitely not make the same games if I were to go back in time. I do miss Flash and the simplicity of making 2d vector games with it.

In all the BGMs, the most famous one is ---- Megichon - Alesankodj(musician).

I have tried to search some information about the musician Alesankodj, it turned out that he is an Italian DJ. Also I surfed the website [Discog], hoping to find some clue, but there's nothing about the legendary track Megichon... :(

After 2ys, I received the reply from a previous 2D Flash MASTER!😭😭 So touched, so nostalgia~😭

By the way, I wanna know which BGMs(background music, soundtrack) you have used in all the Trilogy of A.L.I.A.S. Here's a Youtube playlist I made, in which I collected all the BGM videos about A.L.I.A.S.👉https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceE_uTwd6Es&list=PLbSd66W3XHLIILvom5mx6pnnUiHsqLJZj

The most famous BGM is the one used in A.L.I.A.S

Since I'm a crazy BGM fan! I really wonder where you found these soundtracks🥺🙏

Wow, nice that you made that compilation! I really wish I had added credits for the music in the games : / . I downloaded all of the tunes as freeware loops I found on the website flashkit.com. I didn't have to credit the authors, but it'd have been nice for sure. I still have all of the .wav files of the songs, but they contain no information about their author.

However, I was able to find the main menu song on that website! It's 'Descender #2' by Kim Steinaugh. http://www.flashkit.com/loops/Alternative/Grunge/Descende-Kim_Stei-3123/index.php
The download doesn't seem to work, but the file name and the song duration matches that of the .wav file I have for that song.

It should be possible to find the other tunes the same way, given some time.

your animations are awesome! :wave: