Klemantina's avatar


69 Watchers129 Deviations

summer 2008

1 min read
I'm serving in the army for about a year now, and it has been a very intresting year.

I usually use the camera only to take regular pictures for myself and not for DA. Though when I do get the muse, I always take out the camera and use it to make somthing artistic.

Lately I decided to focus more on drawing. Those of you who have never seen my drawings, can see them here :icontwo-t:

I hope you'll continue to enjoy my picture gallery too.



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Hello everyone,

Now it's the end of the winter and i'm feeling much better.
March is almost here, the holidays purim and passover, and the spring!.. :)

My "love to art" is back as you can see, I have alot of new pictures and i'm very glad you like them :aww:

Umm....What can I say.. life is beautiful, but there is all the pressure of the final exams..grrr.. I HATE IT ! :sniff:  
I know i'm boring, because I don't really have something interesting to say...lol
I just wish you all the best , and if you'll visit my gallery often, I promise not to kill you in your sleep. :furious:  

Oh, and purim is gonna be so great this year!!!! I can't wait!
my costume is soOoOo cool! :dance:  

so..Have a nice cookie! :biscuit:  



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1 min read
Hello, everyone,
When the school started after the long summer, after I met my boyfriend (now my ex), I dyed my hair and changed my haircut as you can see in my webcam picture.
I thought that after the summer it'd be nice to try out a new style, now that I barely have the chance to take pictures like I used to.
There're a lot of things that bother me lately and I don't feel like taking photos anymore. I feel like my life has been emptied and I need to find new things that will bring me motivation to re-build my love to art.


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2 min read
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

The exams are over and the holidays have started, im at home and really bored, a week ago I moved and the view isnt great but it gives me a chance to get out more and take pictured outside this area, like at the beach or the city, and of myself sometimes! I want to start putting up pictures of me in my gallery but im a perfectionist and none of the pictures look good enough for me...:dead:  

these past few months I have met lots of new very talented people on DA who gave me inspiration from their paintings and photos. I want to put a new ID photo on but I cant find one that will fit klemantina.:(

I hope you like what ive put up in my gallery so far and im really happy that more people are joining my devwatch...I appreciate it very much!!! :)

AND THAT'S IT!  :phew:  see ya later.. and..

Talk to me ! :paranoid:  


:butterflytwo:  :butterflytwo:  :butterflytwo:  :butterflytwo:

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2 min read
Right now its the pesach holidays here in israel and on the 12th of april im flying to turkey with my friends, its my first time out of israel and im really excited, I cant wait to see all the amazing views and I hope to take lots of greats photos and post them up here, the last few days I was on my school trip with my class, I took photos of the south of israel. I dont really like the dessert view but I managed to take some nice photos, hope you liked them! other than the photos from the trip im starting to fix up other photos that I took during the year in photoshop.

and thats it! :)

happy passover!!!! :boogie:



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summer 2008 by Klemantina, journal

You took my cookie! by Klemantina, journal

Patiti by Klemantina, journal

~SUMMER!~ by Klemantina, journal

Passover! by Klemantina, journal