Klarseolt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klarseolt/art/Delta-Rune-603034508Klarseolt

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Klarseolt's avatar

Delta Rune



I am back. I decided to make something simple for the warm-up. 
And also, I really wanted to make something Undertale-related Undertale heart icon 
By the way, this picture has been made twice. TWICE!

I managed to corrupt the first PSD file somehow and when I opened it after, Photoshop said "It's not compatible with current verison of the program." Cool, right?
And that's why I haven't uploaded a speedart... What am I talking about! Nobody watches them anyway. So, I guess, it's not a problem after all.

Did you know that "Delta Rune" is anagram of the "Undertale"? :D


Delta Rune is from Undertale Wikia - undertale.wikia.com/wiki/Delta…
Also, big thanks to my friend David for helping me with that SVG file


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Tumblr - dj-applej-sound.tumblr.com/


Made in Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud 2014

I know that all my audience awaits pony stuff, but still I hope that you'll like it

//dogsong plays 
Image size
1920x1080px 2.46 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Klarseolt
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