Klaifferon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klaifferon/art/No-shading-432040219Klaifferon

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Klaifferon's avatar

No shading



Image size
3242x3531px 427.5 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Klaifferon
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Saphyl's avatar
Something new, something interesting! :) In my humble opinion, the style resembles to some extent what is often called "simple" style. This style's artworks are usually made of non-outlined 2D shapes which gives the final product a very "simple" yet interesting aspect. :) Even though the depth is less explicit, if the artwork is made with enough care there should be no problem conceiving it. ;) I would simply like to warn you about more complex scenery with many characters, since the final "simple" style result might get confusing because shapes are not outlined. :) Grosso modo, for images containing one or a few characters, this style is actually quite interesting since it also lets the viewer imagine some part, or dimension, of the artwork. About, your deviation itself, I think you did a very good job at it with cautious layering and some fancy accessories. :D There is also something which I find quite interesting... I don't know if it's just me, but there must be a reason you chose to remove her pupils. Removing such a "vital" part really gives the artwork a much more abstract nature, which I totally agree with since it "simplifies" the overall allure of the artwork a lot. :) The resulting effect is impressive. I cannot wait to see some more. :)

Farewell pal,
