Trust me, I know all about image theft, that being said, if you upload something between 1200px-1400px, it's going to be useless in a print based atmosphere, be it prints themselves, tshirts, adverts, etc. You're literally talking about an image that is tiny at 300dpi which needs to be used for printing. Your photography is your prortfolio, present it as best as you can! Check out the sig video I sent you. It's the one I use now in my images and looks professional. You can use any font you wish and it's highly customizable. Also, it is sharp as a tack too. What a lot of photographers have been doing is using actual logos. Although Nate is no longer around DA, check out how he does his sig to illustrate what I mean… Cheers!
A critique, eh? It's very rare I write these but what the heck. Don't kill me though lol
The first thing-- image size. It's too small. Presentation is everything and it needs to be larger. Go 1200px to 1400px longest side when it's a landscape photo and 900px tallest side when it's a portrait orientated photograph. Use photographer Zach Bright's free Photoshop action for this which uses luminosity masks in photoshop to resize & sharpen… (click "enjoy" at botton to download it).
The bright part at the top is a bit distracting and borderlines on a tangent which takes the viewers eyes off the main focus; the bee. That being said, you did a great job at holding back the highlights in it and didn't blow them out.
Your color here is quite eye catching and I like the way you desaturated the image a tad and used a lack of contrast. In a photo like this it works very well. It really brings the color palette out nicely.
The lens flare, while may be an issue for some doesn't bother me at all.
Your watermark, I am on the fence with. It's too small to actually read what it says. Instead of using that I would suggest using a proper signature created in Photoshop using a png. You find out how to do that here in this YouTube video by photographer Charley Pangus…
Overall conclusion; I like it! I think you did a great job, I just want to see it larger, on my 24" screen it's quite small.