300sl using InkscapeKJRents on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kjrents/art/300sl-using-Inkscape-340495071KJRents

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KJRents's avatar

300sl using Inkscape



A Mercedes 300sl drawn with inkscape (100%).
Time about 100 hours. Mostly mouse, a little bit wacom bamboo.

Thanks to QBit71 for using his photo: [link]

Thanks to www.inkscapeuser.de
Image size
3792x2825px 2.46 MB
© 2012 - 2025 KJRents
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ChameleonScales's avatar
I added some of your work to a Pearltrees collection of the best Inkscape artwork I could find on the internet (Pearltrees is similar to Pinterest) : www.pearltrees.com/chameleonsc…

You should also consider uploading your work on inkscape.org so it goes in the gallery of the website and maybe climbs to the top of the list ! (It handles all kinds of copyright licences)
Once you create an account there, you can upload your projects by going in your profile and then in "your InkSpace". Then it's up to the number of favorites it gets to have it climb to the first page.