<img src="i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29/…"
I was going to start this battle yesterday but vladstudio did not reply to me. Asking for permissions is frustrating so my advice to you is to use stock or just ask a less well known talented artist here on deviantart but an active one. I will be judging the overall theme but mostly the creativity you use on the skinning and layout as usual. Most themers start with the barwork first anyway so if you have problems getting permissions, note me and I will help you get a speedy reply.
Ok with this all said, the rules are simple
Battle DetailsThe theme must involve Christmas The theme can be made for any mobile phone brand. Upload your theme and send me a note with your theme. You are allowed to update and fix your theme until the deadline The contest runs until the December 31st Midnight GMT. Click here to see the equivalent time for your city.
Prizes1st Place winner gets a 1 year subscription to deviantart donated by :devdevmrrste: 2nd place winner gets a 3 month subscription to deviantart donated by d37nu1l A 1 month feature on my journal for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners
Happy Theming
© kjherstindonate via paypal