Self taught artist, I do more traditional art when I sell, but digital for fun. My other Gallery is the Colors!Gallery under the name Kjumper though i no longer really use it. (also have a gallery here under that name however I forgot the password...)
KJ! Are you doing ok?! It's been forever! Would love to hear from you again! I'm just afraid you're not active anymore 😢 💔
(I hope you still remember me XD my old Colors username was KleoKatra96! We chatted on here a bit for a time and did an art trade a couple of years ago- although I think life got in the way and you never got to finish your part! ((I'm not mad XD I'm just reminding you who i am since it's been so long haha ))
I hope you're doing well! I love your Talu comic and seriously hope it gets resumed one day!
My goodness hello! sorry i dont check here too often! life has certainly been busy! im so sorry i forgot your part! i do remember working on a piece for you, in my brain i was sure i had had it finished! id be happy to do a picture for you once life slows down for me!
It has certainly been busy, i got married, and now have a little one to take care of so thats what keeps me away from artwork for the time being.
I hope you are doing well as well! please message me anytime, and also feel free to send me a character i can do a picture of for you!
It's alright! I perfectly understand!i don't get on here as often as I used to either- but I'm trying to become more active! And are you sure? I wasn't trying to pressure you- especially since it has been such a long time! But if you are ok with it- maybe you could do a single Vay for me? ^^ My main boi. I can DM you sometime soon! But again- only if ya feel up to it when things slow down!
And omgosh! Congratulations on getting married ❤️ and having a little one as well! I'm so happy to hear that everything sounds like it's going splendidly for you! 😊
And I'm doing pretty well! I'd love to message you sometime and just chat on and off as you were able! Do you have discord by chance? ^^
Wonderful illustrations!
please- what did you do to become this good?
Do you take commissions?
I... never remembered how great your art was until I came back to it today !
I especially love how you draw open jaws, they look so nice and dynamic dude!
Your shading and backgrounds are also on-point- I can’t imagine the level of practice that mustve gone into them. Everything looks so pretty and nice and [insert more compliments because I lost my train of thought]
me being a young and (subjectively) bad artist, it’s a real inspiration seeing your art and knowing that, one day... maybe I could do the same!
(hell if it’s not a monstrously long ways off, though. I’ve got time, I’m sure I’ll get there eventually TwT)