KJfromColors's avatar


Technologically challenged
844 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Oct 14
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 9 years
  • She / Her
My Bio

Self taught artist, I do more traditional art when I sell, but digital for fun. My other Gallery is the Colors!Gallery under the name Kjumper though i no longer really use it. (also have a gallery here under that name however I forgot the password...)

Favourite Movies
Favourite TV Shows
so many
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
again, too many
Favourite Books
all of them
Favourite Games
Skyrim, witcher, LoZ
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Other Interests
Equine training, competing, rehab basically anything horse related.
Been eons since I’ve been on, things are going good! But time is minimal still. On the other hand, the old species I made back in the day is having a revival! (Not run by me). They are doing an awesome job and I wanted to help advertise for them! (Also there’s an MYO revival event happening!) So check out their discord if you want to be apart of Vukaans! Discord link
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Heyo everyone! man, it seems like it’s been ages since I’ve even stepped foot on DA or Discord. life update: (long story short: not dead, life’s been good lol) During my long hiatus, I got married last year, and me and hubby are currently expecting our first. That’s been my main focus, so between life’s good works and actual work (aka job ugh lol) it’s been keeping me away from really having much time or motivation to do any artwork. Some wicked art block also came into play before my hiatus, so I decided to just relax and forget about the art world for a good while. That being said, I still have many unfinished things that I really want to finish, they are remaining long term goals that I will slowly work on with time. Talus comic being the main one. The AUs warm blood futurity this year. And just general artwork improvement being the other, (I'm quite rusty now after the long break, so if you see some iffy artwork compared to some of my old stuff, that’d be why, just bear with
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Artfight notice! Heyo all! It has been eons since I’ve been on. But this year, I am hoping to gain my motivation and desire to do artwork back again, by joining artfight! Ive never done artfight before so this’ll be the first year. I’ll Be submitting some new characters, as well as a couple old ones. Best of luck to all and hoping for a fun time with good motivation! (I could desperately use it 😩).
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Profile Comments 644

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KJ! Are you doing ok?! It's been forever! Would love to hear from you again! I'm just afraid you're not active anymore 😢 💔

(I hope you still remember me XD my old Colors username was KleoKatra96! We chatted on here a bit for a time and did an art trade a couple of years ago- although I think life got in the way and you never got to finish your part! ((I'm not mad XD I'm just reminding you who i am since it's been so long haha ))

I hope you're doing well! I love your Talu comic and seriously hope it gets resumed one day!

My goodness hello! sorry i dont check here too often! life has certainly been busy! im so sorry i forgot your part! i do remember working on a piece for you, in my brain i was sure i had had it finished! id be happy to do a picture for you once life slows down for me!
It has certainly been busy, i got married, and now have a little one to take care of so thats what keeps me away from artwork for the time being.

I hope you are doing well as well! please message me anytime, and also feel free to send me a character i can do a picture of for you!

It's alright! I perfectly understand!i don't get on here as often as I used to either- but I'm trying to become more active! And are you sure? I wasn't trying to pressure you- especially since it has been such a long time! But if you are ok with it- maybe you could do a single Vay for me? ^^ My main boi. I can DM you sometime soon! But again- only if ya feel up to it when things slow down!

And omgosh! Congratulations on getting married ❤️ and having a little one as well! I'm so happy to hear that everything sounds like it's going splendidly for you! 😊

And I'm doing pretty well! I'd love to message you sometime and just chat on and off as you were able! Do you have discord by chance? ^^

Wonderful illustrations! :+fav:

please- what did you do to become this good?

Do you take commissions?

I... never remembered how great your art was until I came back to it today !

I especially love how you draw open jaws, they look so nice and dynamic dude!

Your shading and backgrounds are also on-point- I can’t imagine the level of practice that mustve gone into them. Everything looks so pretty and nice and [insert more compliments because I lost my train of thought]

me being a young and (subjectively) bad artist, it’s a real inspiration seeing your art and knowing that, one day... maybe I could do the same!

(hell if it’s not a monstrously long ways off, though. I’ve got time, I’m sure I’ll get there eventually TwT)