KiwiChameleon's avatar

KiwiChameleon is Art!
103 Deviations
Hey there!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year... even though it's a few weeks late. Nevertheless I wanted to change my journal. I also want to thank everyone, who stays with me, even though I am not updating my journal often. And a big hug for those, that still look at the art I upload. :hug: You guys always put a smile on my face.
Now onto the main point of this entry, I am now on Instagram too and took me a while to get my courage up in order to create an account. I don't know why it took me so long, but how do you say? Better late than never, right? ;P
You can find my instagram account here:…

Let me know yours too! :D


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Hi guys and gals,

though not intentional it seems like I keep disappearing and it's been more like an on and off. There's been a lot going on in the past few months (me moving was a large part too) and other things, which needed my attention... so that left me with little time to think about DA. :/ I should change that. Yosh!
I am trying to get into the habit of uploading more art again for you to look at and enjoy. :)

Right when I am about to finish a few things my computer decided to stop working properly. So I want to open up private commissions trying to cover some of the upcoming costs. I offer traditional (marker, water colour) and digital (Procreate) commissions. Any help is appreciated, so spreading the word would be a huge help. :hug:
Alright, now off to do some more artsy things. ^^

Kiwi Aww aint it cute


Skin by SimplySilent
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Hurr, hurr!
Ridiculously enough I created a 
2nd Twitch stream... this time for gaming. The main focus for this stream is the MMO 'Tera' for now. Tera is a game I play frequently in my free time; and I just love the action combat in this, which you rarely find in MMOs.
I start streaming at around 7pm-8pm CEST. So in case you are interested, stopy by! :)

Hello everyone! How are you doing?

These past months I have been busy with a lot of things and I am sorry for somehow neglecting my DeviantArt account. I just didn't have the time to upload any personal art. :(
Yet I have a few things planned. ;) One of them is my new Twitch stream! I have been contemplating whether I should stream some of my art or not... So I thought, why not? This and the reason that I have been persuaded by some friends to do so. For now I plan to stream digital drawing and colouring, mainly in Painter and Photoshop. Let's see how that goes! I might even do traditional art at some point; that would mean marker action. :o

For anyone, who is interested, click THIS! I'd be happy, if you'd come by. :heart:

All the best,
Aww aint it cute 

Skin by SimplySilent
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I am on Twitch!

6 min read

Hello everyone! How are you doing?
These past months I have been busy with a lot of things and I am sorry for somehow neglecting my DeviantArt account. I just didn't have the time to upload any personal art. :(
Yet I have a few things planned. ;) One of them is my new Twitch stream! I have been contemplating whether I should stream some of my art or not... So I thought, why not? This and the reason that I have been persuaded by some friends to do so. For now I plan to stream digital drawing and colouring, mainly in Painter and Photoshop. Let's see how that goes! I might even do traditional art at some point; that would mean marker action. :o

For anyone, who is interested, click THIS! I'd be happy, if you'd come by. :heart:

All the best,
Aww aint it cute 

Skin by SimplySilent
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Holy... looking back at the last entry my jaw almost dropped to the floor. It's been nearly a year! :o Geez, nope, this wasn't intended nor planned, but I guess I somehow needed a little break from DeviantArt. I was still arting away, but not so much stuff that I could upload. That I plan to change anyways.
My personal website got a remake, everything new and so on. There are also a few things I would like to draw, which have been on my list for ages. So let's see how that goes.

I also would like to thank everybody who remembered my birthday this year! A huge thanks und big hugs from me. :glomp: So yeah, how low have I been away? :XD:

Kiwi :kitty:

Skin by SimplySilent
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I am on Instagram! Yay! ...finally?! by KiwiChameleon, journal

Disappeared again?! ...and help needed! by KiwiChameleon, journal

Twitch, the 2nd! by KiwiChameleon, journal

I am on Twitch! by KiwiChameleon, journal

Wait, how long...?! by KiwiChameleon, journal