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KiwiChameleon's avatar

Tutorial Compilation



I was debating with myself, whether I should upload something like this or not. ^^; In the end I decided to make it easier for you, rather than collecting the links in a journal post. ;)
So, now you might ask what this is? That's simple. I am writing tutorials on how to use markers and I cover a few topics within that general subject. It doesn't really matter what brand you are using as the methods of using markers don't really change. So rather than writing about it somewhere on my DA page I decided to upload a compilation list. 
This list is NOT finished, it is evolving and new things will be added. ;)


Applying Colour

Analogous Colour Scheme
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5

(Split) Complementary Colour Scheme
part 1

Image size
1094x775px 795.76 KB
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fmr0's avatar
Thanks for the links.  :-)