Marker Colouring :advanced:KiwiChameleon on DeviantArt

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Marker Colouring :advanced:



Marker Colouring: advanced techniques


This Tutorial features:

- Copic markers
- Tria markers

I decided to give the tutorial a total overhaul since the old version looked a bit dated in my opinion. The image is already from 2007, but that doesn't change the techniques used. ;) The descriptions are still the same but the layout is totally new. ^^ The text is much better readable, and I also adjusted the pictures. Furthermore, the tools and colours used should be visible at a glance now. ^____~


...another walkthrough [with markers]


My promised marker tutorial is finally here! ...or again? It might be familiar to some of you since it is a resubmit from my old account. ;)

It took me literally ages to do and I hope it's of some use to you guys. ;) Well, it's a rather long yet in depth tutorial on "how to use markers". Please enjoy!

The background texture for the tutorial was taken from =ImaginaryRosse's stock.

PS: Feedback is always appreciated! ^_~
Image size
800x15000px 11.99 MB
© 2008 - 2025 KiwiChameleon
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Annabells117's avatar
This is great. One of the best advanced tutorials. Thank you for sharing.