Giraffus Fabricuskittyvane on DeviantArt

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kittyvane's avatar

Giraffus Fabricus



I made these little giraffes (giraffus fabricus) ages ago, but for whatever reason I haven't uploaded them here until now.

From left to right we have: Maisa, Antero and Pertti

Maisa is made out of an old sheet from the 70's, and some new brown & cream cotton. She has little button eyes and she's filled with polyfill.
Maisa isn't very tall, which means that the trees she eats from have to be rather small.

Antero is made out of Marimekko fabric (the design is called "Muija") and some beige & brown checked cotton. He has little button eyes and is filled with polyfill.
Antero has a gimpy leg, but despite that he lives a full and happy giraffe life. He thinks that all the best things come in small packages.

Pertti is made out of the same old cotton sheet as Maisa and some soft checked cotton like Antero. He, like the other giraffes in his herd has little button eyes and is filled with polyfill.
Pertti is all of 18 cm tall (as are his herd mates), and believes that size really doesn't matter.

The giraffus fabricus are currently grazing in our bookcase as the forest safari is covered in snow now. :D
Image size
905x450px 562.06 KB
Canon EOS 10D
Shutter Speed
1/90 second
Focal Length
50 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Aug 31, 2007, 1:53:44 PM
© 2007 - 2025 kittyvane
anonymous's avatar
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I llama-love it. super cute :)