Dear Deer shoeskittyvane on DeviantArt

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kittyvane's avatar

Dear Deer shoes



I'm going to a wedding this Saturday, and despite spending months looking all over the city, I just didn't find shoes to go with my outfit. And if I found some nice shoes that fit me, they didn't fit my budget.

So, instead I took a pair of heels I already have and love (you can see them before the decorating here: [link]) and got inspired by the necklace (here is a poopy picture of it taken on the dirty work room floor: [link]) I'm going to wear.
I then proceeded to get 2 plastic deers, some stick-on rhinestones, 2 buttons, "This will stick anything to anything else"-glue, some velvet ribbon and organza ribbon.
Then I made rosettes and bows out of the ribbons, sewed a button on each, stuck some rhinestones to the deer's rumps and then glued the deer to the buttons.

The end result is lovely and kitcshy and only cost me a fraction of what buying new shoes would have cost me. :)

The decorations are removable as they're just tied on to the T bar of the shoes.
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© 2007 - 2025 kittyvane
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isabelucha's avatar
This just proves that it only takes imagination and a bit of time to make something beautiful and different! I don't think I could ever come up with something like that, but the deers and all the arrangements you've made go really well with the shoes, and it looks really good!

Guess I should trust my ideas more often... :plotting: