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The Pone Wars #9: Dragon's Clause, Part II



I'm going to have some fun with this issue.  There are going to be lots of lovely dark and revelatory flashbacks, a little bitterly ominous foreshadowing, some sudden but inevitable betrayal, a soupçon of psychic shenanigans, a few unexpected guest appearances, callbacks (or is that call-forwards?) to things that I'm certain y'all have totally forgotten about, and other fun things that I can only get away with in dream sequences.  I do so love doing dream sequences.  They're magical.

The creepies off the left side of the page are my attempt to do the Umbrum from the comics in regular show style.  They're a trifle less nebulous-looking than they probably should be (they're meant to be a skeletal horse/evil fairy cross, made out of smoke), because there's only so much insubstantiality one can achieve with outlined vectors, but I did my best.  Ahzoka's 'alicorn' form is based on her counterpart's appearance in Star Wars Rebels, a show that I have not seen yet due to not being finished with Clone Wars. I'm sure I'll get to both of them some day... eventually... when I have time...

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Star Mares: The Pone Wars #6 - First Page
Star Mares: The Pone Wars #5 - First Page
Star Mares: The Pone Wars #4 - First Page
Star Mares: The Pone Wars #3 - First Page
Star Mares: The Pone Wars #2 - First Page
Star Mares: The Pone Wars #1 - First Page

Star Mares: The Original Series - First Page

Trope me.
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2480x1754px 2.49 MB
© 2019 - 2024 KittyTheS
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davidshadow275's avatar

I really liked this drawing art friend, continue with the saga of star wars please, well Stare Mares the Pone Wars in this case