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I don't have this movie memorized nearly as well as the others, and the only script I found for it is... not very accurate to what ended up on screen. So on the few occasions when I tried to use dialogue from the movie, it usually hasn't been the right dialogue. Fortunately, the prequels do not have a lot of iconic lines that I really need to use, so it's not a terrible deficiency
And that's a wrap for part 2 of 3. Part 3 will probably be released fairly irregularly for a bit, since I have other projects I need to devote some attention to.
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Star Mares: The Pone Wars #2 - First Page
Star Mares: The Pone Wars #1 - First Page
Star Mares: The Original Series - First Page
Trope me.
And that's a wrap for part 2 of 3. Part 3 will probably be released fairly irregularly for a bit, since I have other projects I need to devote some attention to.
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Star Mares: The Pone Wars #2 - First Page
Star Mares: The Pone Wars #1 - First Page
Star Mares: The Original Series - First Page
Trope me.
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"Old folks' home"??