The Pone Wars 2.12: Breaking Out in HivesKittyTheS on DeviantArt

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The Pone Wars 2.12: Breaking Out in Hives



My original draft of this story arc didn't have Fluttershy in it at all, and having come to the realization that this was a bad thing, I gave her something to do.  This in turn required me to put her into a role occupied by one of the movie's numerous bad guys, and it occurred to me that her normal look wasn't quite right for the scenario. That in turn led me to the question of why I'd put her in Asajj Ventress's outfit in Rarity's flashbacks to begin with, and then I had an idea: those tattoos that she wears as the Huntress aren't a feature of her Nightmare state at all, but were caused by something else, and she's embarrassed about them so she covers up as much of her body as she can to avoid showing them.

This did require me to go through the archives and add extra striations in order to keep continuity, but I think she looks better for it (the compiled issues are unchanged, for the benefit of anti-special-edition purists :p ).

As for what caused her predicament, we'll come to that in good time... but suffice to say, it wasn't very pleasant, and the scars from it aren't all external. Imagine her lines delivered as though Andrea Libman were channeling Juliet Landau in Buffy.

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Trope me.
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Omegadrive6500's avatar
Fluttershy as Asajj looks pretty cool. But she would look better if she were bald :3
For authenticity.