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The Pone Wars 11.8: Backstage Pass



The one thing I really didn't like about this episode of the show was that in order to make Sy Snootles a femme fatale, they had to make her more explicitly femme, when previous material had implied that she was a hermaphrodite and her performance in RotJ had strong drag show vibes. That factored heavily into my decision to make Sly Snooty an intrinsically genderless changeling whose entire visible identity is performative (imagine playing 'Born This Way' and 'Perform This Way' in tandem to get a better idea: but don't actually try to do that, they're really hard to sync up). This also played better into the story's themes of false fronts and subverted expectations.

For the record, Snooty is not associated with either the hive changelings that work for Rarity or the Nightsisters. I wanted to work that information into the previous page but there was no way of saying it that didn't sound awkward. I'm working on the assumption that Sirocco, being a lot more familiar with the galaxy's musical talent than either Moon Moth or Ahzoka, would already know that they were an independent changeling and thus not immediately be suspicious.

I have no idea whether changelings in canon have the ability to transform individual body parts, but since I'd already made Snooty's blaster for the cover (where they're a dog, because dogs have fingers in this setting, go figure) I had to give them a shape that could actually hold things.

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Trope me.
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tigreanpony's avatar

That was awesome, I loved that last panel.