SAI Tips Tutorialkittycatstudio on DeviantArt

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kittycatstudio's avatar

SAI Tips Tutorial



My first "intended for" tutorial..although still considered as walkthrough rather than tutorial:iconorzplz:

As mention in the tutorial,my tools are quite different compare to default because people in dA too awesome and made special brush for SAI. Big clap to ~Iris-hime :iconclappingplz:
you can download her brush here [link]

If you dont want to download, copic marker also can be simulate by using water tool or marker, but you need to adjust the setting to get the effect that you want. :la:

This tutorial will be submitted as entry to tutorial contest by :iconmuslim-manga:

Finished work:[link]
Btw im really sorry for my bad handwriting,grammar,english,drawing..all of it! :iconotlplz:
I hope this will help people..somehow..
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1290x6316px 1.85 MB
© 2011 - 2025 kittycatstudio
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JackieDoesArt's avatar
The drawing is nice, but sloppy. There isn't any linework to be done (this is never needed, though) and if you wanted to go for a painterly feel you should have used softer colors and brushes. I'm new to SAI, but I can see that it doesn't look very appealing to the eye. Personally, I would have kept the sketch and tried to outline with a dark brown or green to match the background. But whatever, this is just my critique and you don't have to follow any of it. I'm sorry if you're not open to critique, but know that you're not a bad artist and I don't see myself as better than you or anything, this is just my personal opinion.