Bitty Pixel Brushes -Set1-kittenbella on DeviantArt

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Bitty Pixel Brushes -Set1-



----Bitty Pixel Photoshop Brushes- Set 1----

------------130 TOTAL BRUSHES--------------

-teeny tiny little bitty pixel brushes for Photoshop
-a large variety of shapes & designs- arrows, squares, circles,
stars, lines (dotted, dashes, etc), snowflakes, and many more
technical style pixel brushes.
-Photoshop .abr file

*Please note: included in this zip file download is both SETS 1 and SET 2. [link]The only reason i had to split them into 2 sets is because of the large number of brushes (Set 1 has 130, and Set 2 has 150)- had they been placed into one large set, many, i feel, would have gotten sort of "lost" in the mix, however, they are all still meant to belong together.

*also, because they are pixel brushes, they have to be used at the size they are set at- in other words, if you change the size (even by 1 point), they will become somewhat blurry, & lose their, um, "pixelness" haha.
© 2009 - 2025 kittenbella
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ecwashere's avatar

Tiny, but not small... Or something like that. Thanks.