Full name: Emily Rebecca Burnell
Pronunciation: EH-mih-lee reh-BEH-kuh bur-nel
Nickname(s) or Alias: Em, Emmy, the courier.
Gender: female
Species: human
Age: 25
Birthday: july 24 2256
Sexuality: hetero, but a strange attraction towards a particular robot
Nationality: caucasian
Religion: none, has a vague understanding of what religion is
Emily: its..a, right?
City or town of birth: unknown, was a newborn when she was discovered by a man and his son.
Currently lives: the lucky 38
Languages spoken: english
Native language: english
Relationship Status: singal, did have a crush on
The two sat on the floor of a small, but mostly empty room. Themselves and the game of checkers they were playing, illuminated only by the fire burning in the trashcan beside them.
The two played the game. One players moves; confident and calculated, the others; shaky and uncoordinated.
It continued like this until, there were only two pieces left, one red and one black.
It was reds turn.
"I-I won ? Oh! Crispin, please don't be mad with me!"
The man said nothing as he stood, giving the game a quick glance, before kicking it, and all the pieces to the side, sending them scattering across the room.
The woman, obviously startle