Eye-makeup Tutorial - Pretty Boykitsunesqueak on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kitsunesqueak/art/Eye-makeup-Tutorial-Pretty-Boy-280408611kitsunesqueak

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Eye-makeup Tutorial - Pretty Boy



....Finally put this together.

As requested, a tutorial for the basic eye makeup I use for male characters....I usually build on this or alter it depending on the specific character.

Also, please note that I have a single eyelid (or rather, not even completely single - those weird eyelids that need to make up their minds on whether they are single or double...) so this will work differently with my eyes as compared to other eye shapes.

....and as warned, I suck at making tutorials. Hope this is of SOME help @@

For those who care, this makeup was used for this:
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Asa-Chi's avatar
Thanks for making this ^-^