TBS: ~Kynzikaa|Warrior|North|Light~Kitonika9 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kitonika9/art/TBS-Kynzikaa-Warrior-North-Light-549486898Kitonika9

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TBS: ~Kynzikaa|Warrior|North|Light~



:iconthe-brightest-shadow: Considering I now own Kynzikaa after :devskylar-king: left, I'm making this handsome boy an adult and by golly does he look like a bae <3

~ As a child you would wait, and watch from far away ~

P R I M A R Y ~ I N F O

Name: Kynzikaa
-> Goes by Kyn most of the time
Origin: Unknown
Name Meaning: Kin of Kaa
Name Pronunciation: KIN-zih-KAH
Nicknames: Kynzi, Kyn, Kaa Jr (don't call him Kaa Jr)
Titles: White Knight, Sun Guardian, Son of Kaa, Golden Heart
Meaning Behind Name: One the night of his birth, Clementine noticed something off about her youngest son. Unlike his ginger brother Panthaleon or his multi-colored older brother Jack, this kit had a night black pelt with white; just like his father. The Queen cried over the similarities her son had compared to her "deceased" love, so she appropriately named him after his father with the exception of adding Kynzi to the beginning of the name to disguise it a little.
Age: 1 Year, 7 Moons (19 Moons)
Sex: Tom (Male)
Gender: Demiboy -> He, him, his (preferred) or they, them, their pronouns
Allegiance: North Region
Rank: Warrior
-> Previous Ranks: Kit, Warrior Rookie
How He Earned Said Rank: Kynzikaa earned this rank when he proved himself ready to graduate to Warrior status by holding his own ground during the Follower attack. At this, Iorek - his adopted father, Leader, and Guide - decided to assess him via the trial. During this Kyn expressed all the skills he learned from Iorek and even came close to beating the tom if it weren't for him slipping up a little. Still, it was enough for Iorek to name him a new Warrior alongside his mother's Rookie, Wes.

~ But you always knew that you'd be the one that work while they all play ~

S E C O N D A R Y ~ I N F O

Breed: Kyn is a mixture between many breeds; from Kaa, he has a variety of breeds including Bombay, Siamese, Abyssinian, and American Short-Hair. From Clementine though, he has Ginger Tabby, Cornish Rex, American Curl, Somali (part Angora).
Birth Season: Winter
Birth Month: January
Birth Day: 3rd
Height: 10"
Weight: 3.9kg
Accessories: [Made By Him] [4/?]
Leather Collar - Kynzikaa decided to request this collar to a Crafter friend of Glendower's not too long after learning the truth about his parentage. Although he has no love for pointless accessories that could get in his way, Kyn knew that if he was ever going to be a Warrior worth respecting, he needed to keep his ability stones close to him. Which is why he asked for this rabbit-leather, brown collar to be made. Currently three stones sit upon his collar proudly, his Main Ability Stone in the middle.
Piercings - After some thinking about it, Kyn decided to pierce his ears in a similar fashion to Iorek's own. Of course, he kept it unique to himself and after receiving his request of two bars from a Crafter, he stuck them in.
Back-leg Bandages - The young tom only done this in order to make his back-legs seemingly indifferent to the belts he wears on his forelegs. Of course, they make him comfortable, which is what matters. Although occasionally he has been known to stash small trinkets inside them for his nest, family, or curiosity.
Hair Band - This strap of leather is spare from his collar that he asked to keep. Most of the time it was stashed in his nest, but as he let his hair grow, Kyn began to notice how it kept getting in his face. So, using this strap, he tied his hair into a ponytail to make things easier.
[Given to Him] [2/?]
Dream-Catcher Pendant - This was a collaboration between all four of his siblings when they heard about his promotion to Warrior. From Panthaleon, the ginger Tamer Rookie gave away a recently shed feather of a Scrub Caller, whilst both Jack and Jennifer decided to add beads to it. However, Olive was the one that added the dream catcher, and it was her idea to begin with. Kynzi holds this close to his heart more than his other accessories, and thus is rarely seen without it.
Foreleg Belts - The tom only got these belts in order to hold any more ability stones he will achieve in the future. For now, only one sits on his leg, but there's telling what can happen in the future.

~ In youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme of all the things that you would change, but it was just a dream! ~


Name: N/A
Name Origin: N/A
Name Meaning: N/A
Name Pronunciation: N/A
Gender: N/A
Age: N/A
Species: N/A
Appearance: N/A
Personality: N/A
How They Met: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A

~ Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away!) We are the warriors that built this town ~

P H Y S I C A L ~ A P P E A R A N C E


Brief Description: Kynzikaa is still a young tom, and as a fresh Warrior of the North, no scars blemish his pelt apart from a single notch in his ear. That doesn't mean he's not prone to getting a few more scars in the future, though.

Detailed Description:

Notch - The only scar Kyn has managed to acquire thus far. He was near the end of his Rookiehood when he earned this scar, and in a place he least expected to earn it too. He was out on a patrol with his adopted father/Leader/Guide Iorek, his own mother and her (then) Rookie Wes when they were suddenly assaulted by a surprise attack team of Followers. The one that attacked him and gave him a notch was a young calico male around his age with vermillon eyes that seemed pleased with his work. Kyn of course reacted to the piercing agony of the notch by kicking the Follower off of him and fighting back until Wes came to deal with the brute. Today Kynzikaa looks at this as a reminder of the Followers brutality, and is determined to seek out the tom that dealt him his first scar.

Natural Appearance:

Brief Description: There is a reason why Kynzikaa was sort of named after his own biological father. The young tom resembles the Bounty Hunter Captain through most of his appearance with the additional differences such as a white underbelly and mixed colored eyes. However, it is evident he looks almost like a mini clone of Kaa much to his distaste. Furthermore, Kyn is already the average height of a tom despite his youthful age, whereas his build appears to be sleek and almost feminine. Combined with a long, fluffy tail, this tom has the appearance of a "White Knight" for his Region; his voice also compliments this. After all, despite not having his real father around, Kynzikaa somehow has managed to obtain an English accent with a hint of Russian blended it from his mother.

Detailed Description:

Pelt - Kynzi's pelt is what makes him most similar to Kaa - his father. Although it is more of a charcoal grey then a pitch black like the Captain's own pelt, Kyn has inherited the white tail tip; however, unlike Kaa the young tom has a white underbelly starting from his chest, a white ear and a front paw. A few dark freckles are seen near his eyes in a similar way to his mother's own. Just like Clementine, Kyn has managed to inherit her long, silky coat that is thick and protects him a little from the cold. The tom's fur is also curly too which adds some uniqueness to himself and distances his appearance from Kaa's a little. Although despite the few differences, the tom is still seen as a mini version of his father, which could cause others to stare at him with distrust.

Eyes - This Warrior's eyes are certainly unique and special. Unlike most, Kyn's eyes are a blend of yellow and green; a mix of both Kaa and Clementine's eyes. Whilst his sclera is a nice golden color, his iris is a light, leafy green. Around the rim of his pupil is a thin ring of orange which can be seen if viewed more closely. The tom is known to be quite vocal when it comes to his own emotions, so it is no surprise that his eyes turn icy cold whenever angered nor grow bright and watery when upset. When it comes to fear he has a tendency to shrink his pupils to small raisin sizes. Most of the time though, Kynzi's eyes have a calm, focused look to them that is both charismatic and charming in a sense whenever he gazes at someone.

Build - Whilst his build is more sleek and feminine then broad-shouldered and muscular, the tom makes up for that with his speed and agility. Indeed he is more of a range fighter then anything else, although he will fight paw-to-paw combat if necessary. Nonetheless the Warrior does know how to dodge and defend himself with a perfect balance and grace to his moves. Kynxikaa is also quite tall for his young age, but then again his father, Kaa, is taller then the average tom by a few inches, so it could be possible Kyn might grow as tall as him. His long tail is what keeps him balanced well in the most part, and can act as a way to express his mood too. Kynzi's feminine appearance often gets him confused as a girl from afar much to his displeasure despite identifying himself as a demiboy.

Voice - Kynzi's voice is something that is both sweet, charismatic, and also smooth. It can make anyone melt with the way he holds it in an elegant way, and for the most part he speaks rather calmly and nonchalant. His accent is surprisingly mainly English despite never growing up with Kaa to father him, although it does have a slight mixture of Russian from Clementine. Moreover, he is quite emotional, so his voice tends to harden up into a serious tone whenever something has gone wrong or feeling infuriated whereas he can talk in a choked sob whenever distraught. Most of all, his voice still has the trademark of youth in it, which all the more adds to why some may find him attractive come around his own age group.

Scent - Like most members of his Region, Kyn smells of the North with a dash of chestnut, foxglove, and a faint trace of roses.

Other - Unbeknownst to some, Kyn does in-fact have a birthmark on his back paw pad; only his mother and Iorek know of this though.

~ Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away!) We are the warriors that built this town; from dust! ~


Ability: Primary
Element: Light -> Inherited from Clementine
Stamina: 5/10 -> Average
Energy Points: 20
Ability Stones: 4/6
Main Ability Stone: Scratch|1/5The user's claws become lightly coated with whatever element they posses and can be used to scratch an opponent with them.
-> This is Kyn's most common spell considering he can handle it pretty well. This one is also close to his heart, considering it was his first ever spell and he remained with it for half of his training.
Other Spells Acquired: (In order of attainment)
Blinding Ray|2/5The opponent of the user becomes blinded by light that surrounds them temporarily. This also lightly burns their eyes.
-> Kyn has begun to grow used to controlling this element, considering how he blinded himself on accident upon activating it for the first time. Still, he uses it as a last resort to make a quick retreat.
Mend|1/5The user is able to heal their own small wounds, but no one else’s.
-> This spell is rarely used when it comes to any wounds of his. After all, his sister Olive would certainly be upset if he didn't go to her to have his wounds tended to. However if she isn't around and it looks like something she'll freak out over (despite being small), Kyn will use activate this spell.
Beam|3/5The user constraints light into a single beam, the narrower the more powerful. This allows for more targeted attacks at a long distant.
-> Kyn recently obtained this spell, so he's still getting the hang of it. Currently his strongest spell, the tom tends to use it occasionally in battle to help with his range.

~ Will come, when you'll have to rise above the best, improve yourself ~

E X T R A ~ I N F O

- Kynzi loves the smell of flowers - most particularly roses - and thus admires Nature Elementals
- He desires to prove himself across his Region (if not all of them) that he is a noble Warrior instead of some replica of his savage father
- Kyn only allows family to call him by the cute nickname Kynzi
- He has a tendency to wriggle his nose when lying
- The tom is somewhat similar to Kaa's old personality...

- Kynzikaa was created by :devskylar-king:, who ensured his safety with me when they left (I hope I have done him proud, Skylar)
- He's my first try on a non-binary character
- He's the only innocent adult in my TBS collection... if ya know what I mean :eyes:

* Kits
* Family/Friends
* Helping others out
* Asking loads of questions
* Honest and loyal cats
* Flowers
* Being stared at because he resembles Kaa
* Kaa himself
* Betrayals/Lies
* Racism of Dark Elementals
* Trouble-makers
* Feeling useless
* Autophobia - Fear of being alone/unwanted
* Atychiphobia - Fear of failure
* Phasmophobia - Fear of ghosts
* Hydrophobia - Fear of drowning

~ Your spirit never dies. Farewell, I've gone, to take my throne ~

R E L A T I O N S H I P ~ I N F O

Sexual Info:

Sexuality: Bisexual
Romanticism: Biromantic
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A
First Kiss: N/A
Other Kisses: N/A
Virginity: Intact
Activity: Virgin
Status: Neutral
Lover Type: Kyn's all into romance of any kind. He usually acts as the gentleman to the pretty she-cats that catch his eyes and will often enough be protective of her and soft. He will do anything for her in order to make her happy; if she's upset, he'll try to cheer her up and making her smile by all means necessary. If he has a strong bond with her, he will start giving her gifts from his heart, although he will be shy and often blush in-front of her. As for toms, he tends to avert to the submissive role due to his feminine looks and also how comfortable he feels. He'd be shy too, but also affectionate and loving. For both, Kyn does love to snuggle with others and give them flower crowns one fine morning, and will always be supportive for them so long as their reason is just.
Preferences: Appearance wise for both, Kyn tends to find attraction towards cats that stand out from the crowd as much as he does; from striking pelts such as tortoiseshell, calico, bengal etc. to bold markings or unusual eyes like heterochromic ones. In she-cats he likes them to be a bit dainty and delicate looking and smaller then him, whereas toms he prefers them taller and masculine looking in appearance. However, the personality matters more than appearance-- once he gets to know you, his impression of you can change. He is of course more interested in a cat who is kindly, selfless, but with a bold personality. He tends to have more of a brotherly relationship with timid cats, but is romantically attracted to those who can match his energetic, fearless pace as he moves through life. He likes ambition and courage, and wants to be in a relationship with a cat who can not only keep up, but perhaps rival him. Elements and pasts do not matter much to him; he does not care to judge a cat for what their powers are, or who they might have been in the past. What matters is who they choose to be. He has great respect for cats who strive to make something of themselves. Tends to be attracted to more mature individuals, which means he is likely to start a relationship with a cat older than himself.

Mentorship Info:

Guide: Iorek
Rookies: N/A

Family Info:

Biological Father: Kaa|Dark Elemental
Mother: Clementine|Light Elemental
Brothers: Jack|Light Elemental & Panthaleon|Light Elemental
Sisters: Jennifer|Dark Elemental & Olive| Dark Elemental
Adopted Father: Iorek|Ice Elemental
Adopted Mother: Glendower|Air Elemental
Adopted Brothers: TorrinChryses & Amarok
Adopted Sisters: GenevieveBlair & Harp

~ Above, don't weep for me cause this will be the labor of my love (my love) ~

M I S C ~ I N F O

Voice Actor: David Tennant {The Tenth Doctor - Dr Who}
Theme Songs:
- Warriors - Imagine Dragons
- Centuries - Fallout Boy
- You Can't Take Me - Bryan Adams
- Children of the Sun - Thomas Bergersen
Theme Tunes:
- Dr Who Theme //shot//

~ Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)! We are the warriors that built this town ~


Strength - 4.3/10
Balance - 8.3/10
Speed - 7.2/10
Endurance - 7.6/10
Attack - 4.2/10
Defense - 4.6/10
Reaction - 5.3/10

Sense of smell - 6.5/10
Hearing - 7.6/10
Sight - 7.9/10

Need for affection - 6.8/10
Affection - 7.3/10
Playfulness - 6.4/10
Independence - 6.1/10
Intelligence - 7.2/10

~ Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)! We are the warriors that built this town; from dust! ~


:bulletgreen: Positive: {Inquisitive/Thoughtful} {Honest/Just} {Empathetic} {Loving} {Knightly/Honorable} {Protective}
:bulletyellow: Neutral: {Ambitious} {Romantic} {Determined} {Daring/Defiant}
:bulletred: Negative: {Insecure/Vulnerable} {Emotionally Unstable} {Stressed} {Bashful} {Soft} {Confused/Lost}

:bulletgreen: Inquisitive/Thoughtful - A trait lingering from his kithood, yet unlike the naivety he possessed up to his late Rookiehood, Kyn has matured his inquisitive nature into that of an appropriate manner. He asks himself and others questions that are well thought out and and logical such as "Why should we head in that direction?" or "How would that benefit the Region?" - sure sometimes these questions may seem a bit obvious to answer, but Kyn is still young. Nowadays he doesn't ask silly questions as much as he did in the past, and as he grows more in experience as a full Warrior and discovers his answers for himself, it is believed the black tom will be a wise figure to be admired. His thoughtful nature after all helps towards his logic and that alone is perfect for battle strategies - a perfect skill for a Warrior.

:bulletgreen: Honest/Just - Throughout his life Kyn has always wanted to know the truth from everyone. He despises those who lie and thus tends to not trust them completely; however, this trait became enforced the moment he was told the Big Truth about his family. Ever since then, the tom has vowed to be honest at all times, rarely resorting to lying as a way to escape punishment. His honest ways bring about some respect towards him, especially when the memory of Kaa being a liar is considered. With this Kyn has become a just tom too, having a fierce sense of what is right and what is wrong. Be it keeping the kits safe until they're of age to become Rookies or defending an innocent cat no matter who they are, Kyn will stand for what is moral at all costs.

:bulletgreen: Empathetic - Due to his growing maturity as he enters adulthood, Kyn has become aware of the cats around him and has started to seek a way to understand all of them - he wants to know what makes them unique and also how they would react to a certain effect in their lives. From this, the Warrior believes that he will be able to help a cat out in anyway he can and quite possibly befriend them to a certain extent. His sensitivity to the pain of others and own experience with it has led to the tom wanting to put himself in their paws to see what will make a cat turn into the personality they are today or to get a better understanding of their situation. Just like his morality, Kyn does this with everyone - including Followers believe it or not.

:bulletgreen: Loving - Kyn is actually an incredibly loving tom when it comes down to it! Indeed he enjoys the company of others - especially those of his own family. In-fact, he is well notorious for sharing his nest with his littermates or snuggling with his mother a little. Whenever he is angered by a loved one, he normally forgives them quickly considering he just loves them too much. Any burden that comes his way Kyn will happily take it upon himself to carry it on his shoulders until the end for the sake of helping someone. The Warrior is also loving to others around him and is often spotted around camp looking out for them and all. Most of all, he is incredibly protective over his Region and loved ones and will die for them if necessary.

:bulletgreen: Knightly/Honorable - Upon maturing, Kyn has become well-mannered and honorable. Whenever he's around cats he tends to pull off a polite manner and is always careful with whatever words he chooses to use to speak. This can lead to flattering the one he's talking too or making them blush madly in the face. Furthermore, Kyn's knightly behaviour makes him incredibly brave and courageous; he will defend anyone from harm no matter the cost, and will always protect those that matter aka everyone. It is what makes him unique and as this trait developed further, he became incredibly honorable. Kyn holds the code of the Spirits and Andromeda close to heart and thus makes sure to follow through it most of the time.

:bulletgreen: Protective - One of his goals in life is most definitely to protect others. The black tom will forever be there to defend the weak and vulnerable no matter who they are what they did. To him, it is moral to protect anyone who needs it, and he will do it to the best of his intentions. After all, the reason why he chose to be a Warrior was to protect those that mattered the most to him, and as he grew over time this began to include cats around him. Most of this nature though is strong around family - really strong - to the point he may seem a bit overprotective of them. Furthermore Kyn tends to also be overly protective of kittens whenever they are around in the North and often enough will beat himself up if he failed to protect them or anyone else.

:bulletyellow: Ambitious - Despite him being knightly in nature, the black tom is incredibly ambitious and will stop at nothing to get to his goal. His ambitions to be a great Warrior is still there especially due to the insecurities of his father's identity looming over his shoulder constantly. By reaching his goal the young tom believes he will please others and no longer be looked at as if he were Kaa's little shadow, yet his ambition doesn't end there. Kyn does have a small goal of becoming Advisor one day - not a crazy ambition that is top priority, but something he still considers accomplishing as a great Warrior. However, the thing about this trait is the fact he may sometimes make choices that could be seen as a bit risky... Some even fear these might turn him for the worst if the goal to be Advisor becomes stronger.

:bulletyellow: Romantic - There's no point in denying that Kyn is a romantic at heart! He's young, and he's intrigued with the strange love stories of Iorek and Glendower and his own parents. So much so that he desires to find romance one day himself and hopes his own littermates do too. Whenever he see's one of his siblings with another cat that he knows is close to them, he may accidentally start teasing them and shipping them. In addition, Kyn himself is looking for that same happiness in life; however, he is young and thus the idea of being a good Warrior also gets in the way of his quest. The black tom also tends to be annoying whenever he figures someone might be crushing on another, which makes this trait a bit negative too.

:bulletyellow: Determined - Stubbornness oozes out of this trait for the sake of Kyn holding onto one mindset. Nothing can make him change his opinion about what or what not to do, and thus will remain set on his path until it is completed. His determination is a nuisance to those wanting to add onto some of his ideas in order to ease out the risk factor of it, and thus unfavoured. However, his determination does have a favourable side too when it comes to carrying out what he's been told to do. He will never give up, not ever and will push himself through any hardships that come his way. He doesn't want to let anyone down after all, and thus strives onwards with that thought imprinted in his mind - something worthy of admiring for someone so young.

:bulletyellow: Daring/Defiant - Kyn is not easily intimidated or frightened of the same thing twice - sure he can still be afraid, but unlike the kitten he was long ago, he has grown. With fire in his eyes and a determined heart, he will stare down an enemy without even flinching albeit he's larger then him or more skilled. As stated before, the black tom is willing to take insane risks in order to do what is right, and is even willing to disobey his Leader (who so happens to be his old Guide and adoptive father!) if he believes his own judgement is completely wrong and unjust. He will defy all views that are held towards him by proving himself time and time again in order to be known as a hero instead of the villain others claim he is because of Kaa.

:bulletred: Insecure/Vulnerable - Ever since finding out about his father's true identity, Kyn has began to notice cats staring at him like he is Kaa's shadow. This has caused the young tom to become incredibly insecure and thus determined to make a name in history for himself as a hero, not a villain. However, the Warrior can't help but feel incredibly vulnerable. He feels small inside, as if he is enclosed in the barriers that the Regions see him as where ever he goes. Its this that puts him down constantly and makes him feel truly alone in the world - the son of a traitor who murdered an innocent. Worst of all, he looks similar to him and thus has become fully aware of what others perceptions towards him may be. Because of this, he sometimes can be found crying alone at night, the stress being too much.

:bulletred: Emotionally Unstable - Something that has been brought upon him as of recently, Kyn's stress has led to him bursting into sudden fits of boiling fury that last for a few minutes. He doesn't mean any harm, but he just can't control his emotions at all. Everywhere he goes he feels he has to prove something to everyone, and from this his emotions can get really unstable. Unlike Kaa, Kyn can still keep control over them, but when he has too much on his plate he is known to blow a fuse. His anger is something one may find disturbing and so out of character of a sweet, friendly tom. At the same time Kyn has been known to burst into tears whenever alone or in the comfort of family - most specifically Olive.

:bulletred: Stressed - For someone his age, stress shouldn't be a problem. However, when you're the son and lookalike of a tom who murdered an innocent and betrayed his entire Region for The Followers, then it can be quite a serious thing to handle. Kyn tries his best to show others that, just because his father is someone to be feared and hated, doesn't mean he is anything like him. His need to show others that he is his own cat and heroic has led to stress dragging him on and on each passing day. This stress is incredibly noticeable, and often worries his siblings despite Kyn denying it all. His stress has allowed his emotions to start becoming unstable in terms of grief and anger, and as it continues some fear it may worsen his condition.

:bulletred: Bashful - Although he is quite outgoing and friendly, Kyn does tend to be bashful whenever he's put on the spotlight or complimented. He usually goes a bright shade of red whenever he is in such situations and goes all shy; he'll even stutter a little! His bashful nature tends to keep him blocked from what he should be doing and can cause him to be distracted and therefore not act out on what he actually wants to do such as address an entire Region or ask his crush out. As confident as he thinks he is, Kyn will always remain behind so long as he keeps being bashful around folk or situations that are completely unfamiliar to him and catch him off-guard. He tries his best to defea this trait, but it always gets the better of him.

:bulletred: Soft - Kyn is known well for being a heroic, kind tom that finds time to emphasise with another, but this all leads to a trait that can easily make him a complete pushover. If someone is in danger and he's the only one who can do something about it, he will act out accordingly... unless the other is a hostage. In those certain situations Kyn will plead for their release and that he takes their place instead. His soft nature on those around him can be incredibly hazardous for his own well-being and that almost anyone who threatens him with the life of another often find themselves controlling the young tom around. His softness also makes him let kits get away with anything despite what they may be doing is wrong, and that alone makes him a further pushover.

:bulletred: Confused/Lost - Being a young tom in a world full of deceit, but beauty is something to make one wonder. However, to Kyn, he can only feel confused and lost. His confusion with the world is to why some cats - The Followers - would want to harm the Regions and cause anarchy through fear and blood lust. Meanwhile he is lost on who he really is; he wants to be a hero, but he's also the lookalike and son of the Captain of the Followers himself. Does Andromeda and the Spirits want him to follow a path similar to Kaa's own or follow his own with the guidance of his righteousness and good will. This has caused him to gather up a series of doubts about himself and how the world itself functions, yet this normally it kept to himself.

~ Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away) ~


Click Me

~ We are the warriors that built this town ~


Heart Chart: N/A
Relationship Thoughts: Click Me!

~ Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away) ~

R P ~ I N F O

*Notes - Always!
*Chats - Depends whether you're on or not; but very rarely
*Comments - Again, rarely
* Skype - Yup! Name is djkito9

Role-Play Examples: 

Taken from a RP using my THK character Damu:

Smiling when he saw his little sister awake, Damu nudged her in a augur manner. "Mom's telling a story of her encounter with the snake!" he explained briefly before hearing Nyoka's words. After she finished, the red cub's green orbs lit up. So she had kept skins of the snakes from her encounters? And they were in his Father's den! This made Damu think for a moment. "Can we see them later? Me, you and Kutu? If she's interested that is..." he asked, trailing off as he cast his gaze on the darker red pelt of Kutu.

The red tom than began to imagine himself encountering his first ever snake. Would he kill it? Or would Nyoka come and kill it, just like her Mother had on her first encounter with the sneaky serpent? No, he would kill it and take one of it's fangs as a little trophy to prove to his Mom what he did. Not only that, but it would show he was brave for a cub his age! And maybe... just maybe Vumbi would notice him as something more than a useless cub...

~ We are the warriors that built this town; from dust! ~

Lyrics (c) Imagine Dragons
Kynzikaa (c) :devskylar-king:/Kitonika9
Image size
1024x768px 878.38 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Kitonika9
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FeralCity's avatar
Kynzi and Benz need to meet, make a little bit interesting since he does dislike Kaa and mistaken him for the old man.

Though first, that Zak and Casp RP. Xd